Eman Saad , MSc.
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Teaching Assistant at Food & Dairy Science & Technology Department,
Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, Egypt.

•(From 2008 – 2015)Demonstrator at Food & Dairy Science &
Technology Department, Damanhour University, Egypt

•(From 2015 – Present) Teaching Assistant at Food & Dairy Science &
Technology Department, Damanhour University, Egypt.

MSc. in Dairy Technology 2015
. Food & Dairy Science & Technology
Department, Damanhour University, Egypt.

BSc..)2003( . in Agricultural Sciences. Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria
University, Damanhour Branch, Egypt.

Major: General Agricultural Production Minor: Dairy Science & Technology
The general grade: Very good with an honors degree.
I can measure many of the chemical, Rheological and biological properties
for Dairy products and also to deal with a lot of laboratory equipment such
as : HPLC, Spectrophotometer and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy


Curriculum Vitae Eman Saad , MSc.
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•Teaching experience: (30h/week during 2 semesters)
•Cheese Technology.
•Principles of Food and Dairy Technology.
•Dairy Microbiology.
•Dairy chemistry and analysis.
•Condensed and dehydrated milk.
•Byproduct of Dairy Production.
•Liquid Milk and its Treatments.
•Holding many seminars related to my field during Master Program,
•I have studied many courses that are related to my minor:
•In EGYPT (Damanhur Uni. & Alexandria uni.)
Treatments of Liquid Milk, Enzymes, Condensed and Dehydrated Milk,
Dairy Microbiology, Dairy Chemistry and Analysis, Food and Dairy Plant
Sanitation, Cheese Classification and Processing, Dairy Lipids of
Chemistry, Dairy Proteins of Chemistry, Advanced Cheese Technology,
Rheological characteristics of dairy products, Statistic and Experimental
analysis design, Physiology of Dairy Lactation.

Mother tongue(s) : Arabic
Other language(s) : English : TOEFL program 2012 (600/700)
Computer skills

Programs: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access).
•ICDL Certificate (2011).
•Statistical analysis programs: XLSTAT, Costat and SAS.
List of publications
Eman S. Ragab, *I. A. Attia; Hamid M. Ziena, Abeer M. Abd-Elhamid .2014 . Anti-yeasts
activities of Anise Oil, Cinnamon Oil, and Fennel Oil against some Yeast strains
Isolated from some spoiled milk products
.2014 . J.Agric.and Environ.sciences.
Curriculum Vitae Eman Saad , MSc.
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Other skills
•I have trained a lot in Faculty and Leadership Development Centre "FLDC
" and have the following certificates:
1- Certificate for satisfactory completion of the “Effective presentation
skills”2009 . Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
2- Certificate for satisfactory completion of the “credit hours system ”. 2009
Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
3- Certificate for satisfactory completion of the “Communication Skills.2009
Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
4- Certificate for satisfactory completion of the “Research
methodology”.2011 Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
5- Certificate for satisfactory completion of the “Research Ethics”. 2010
Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).

Prof. Hamed Morsy Saad Ziena,
Professor of Food Technology, University of Damanhour, Faculty of
Agriculture , Damanhour, EGYPT.
Tel. 002 0122 298 777 6.

Prof. Ibraheam Ahmed Attia,
Professor of Dairy Technology. University of Alexandria, Faculty of
Agriculture, El-Shatby, Aflaton Street, Alexandria, EGYPT.
Tel. 002 0100 8060963
E-mail: dr_attia47@yahoo.com

Dr. Sherif Shamsia,
Associate professor of Dairy Technology (head of department), University
of Damanhour,Faculty of Agriculture Damanhour, EGYPT.
Tel. 002 01018359530

أخر تحديث للصفحة : 7/28/2017 5:57:35 PM
عدد القراءات : 1106

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