Dr/ Maysa saber
a. attending
§ 27 may Work shop about" Research methodology and Scientific Writing "at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
§ The 7th International Conference of Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health (ARC) 28-29 May.
§ Help Baby Breath, Worm HUG CARE and Healthy Nutrition workshop, 28 May 2014 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
§ Medical and Nursing Education and Training in Egypt Workshop, 1 June 2014 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
§ شهاده شكر وتقدير من فريق القاده الاجتماعيين للاشتراك الفعال فى قافله باجوش الطبيه من 20 الى 23 اغسطس 2014
§ Nursing Education: It's Time to Click and Update, The 3rd annual scientific meeting, September 2014.
§ Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference from 23-25 September.
§ Work shop about CPR Egyptian Resuscitation Council , Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference.
§ Work shop about Mechanical Ventilation , Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference from 23-25 September.
§ Work shop about, How To Write your Promotion Dossier and Portfolio .Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference from 23-25 September.
§ Work shop about 'School Health ' in the 3rd International conference of Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University. on 23 November 2014.
§ The 3rd International conference of Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University. Quality of Health Care: Education and Serveries, on 24-25 November 2014.
b. Participation :
§ First Scientific day " Strengths and Challenges in Nursing Administration " held by Nursing Administration Department 12 November 2014 .
§ My presentation about:
Preventing Medication Errors in Pediatric and Neonatal Patients
2015 :
a. Attending
§ A seminar about IT unit on 8/4/2015, Damanhur University.
§ Training Course " External Review for Higher Educational Institutes " on 19-12 April 2015, National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.
§ Prevention of Mother & Child Transmission of HIV/ AIDS , 12 hour programme , form 27-28 April at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
§ "Neonatal Resucitation " 12 hour programme on 8-9 June 2015, at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
§ "Patient Safety " 24 hour programme on 14-17 June 2015, at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
§ Basic of Clinical Nutrition, 18 hour programme on 4-6 October 2015 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
§ Work shop about "How Emotionally Intelligent are you" On 12 October. The 13th International Scientific Nursing conference " Toward Better Nursing Practice "12-13 October ,Alexandria –Egypt –in Collaboration of Kennesaw University.
§ Training Course "ABG Interpretation workshop" Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 19th Conference, 13-15 October.
§ Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference,13-15 October.
§ The 3rd National Pediatric Nursing Conference Faculty of Nursing Port Said University" Celebration the Past, Embracing the Future" on 12 November 2015.
§ The 17th Allergy Day on 19 -20 November 2015 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.
ýThe 13th International Scientific Nursing conference " Toward Better Nursing Practice "12-13 October ,Alexandria –Egypt –in Collaboration of Kennesaw University.
My presentation about:
" Self-Care Knowledge and Practices among Diabetic School Students in El- Behaira Governorate." On 12 October .
2016 :
§ The International Scientific conference "NURSING CARING SCIENCE " Faculty of Nursing Alexandria University in In cooperation with Linnaeus University –Sweden ,attending " Infection Control & Personal Hygiene & Practice " 4-5 January 2016.
§ The 5th International conference of Allergy & Immunology , Alexandria Society OF Allergy & The Egyptian Society of Allergy , In collaboration with The American College of Allergy & Immunology FROM 17-19 February 2016.
§ The 10th Annual Scientific Meeting " Road Map towards Better Children's Health " on 19 April 2016, Faculty of Nursing Alexandria University.
§ The 3RD Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2016,form 25-27 MAY.
§ Workshop about "Cyctic Fibrosis" ,The 3RD Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2016,form 25-27 MAY.
§ Workshop about "Inhaler Technique" ,The 3RD Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2016,form 25-27 MAY.
§ Neonatal & Pediatric Emergencies 21-23 July 2016, Pediatric Department of Damanhur Medical Institute.
§ The 3rd annual liver and GIT conference El- Behaira Governorate on 27-28 October.
§ International Workshop about "Hypospadias repair" from 22-25 November, in Hypoalex 3rd , Alexandria Pediatric Surgery Department.
§ The 18th allergy day in Alexandria on 3rd and 4th of November 2016 , Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (COPD).
§ The 3rd Annual Community Medicine Conference " Demographic & Health in Egypt" 26-28 November.
§ Workshop about " Autism " Alexandria Medical Syndicate 19 December 2016.
§ Workshop about "Modern Competencies for University Larders" FLCD Alexandria University 13 March.
§ The 2nd AnnualConferenceof EL Maamoura Chest Hospital 16-17 March, 2017.
§ 21th Egyptian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry Conference," Advanced in Child Neuropsychiatry " 10-11 May 2017.
§ Scientific day of Community Health Department Alexandria University "Non- Communicable Disease "30 April 2017.
§ Beheira Neonatal Society 20-22July 2017.
§ Behera Second Annual Conference of Infection Control 19 October 2017.
Participation :
"The 3rd International Scientific Nursing conference " Innovations & EBP in Nursing "20 April , Port Said University –Egypt –in Collaboration with New-Mexico University.
"Strategies to Promote & Integrate Clinical Inquiry"
The 5th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2017.
Nursing Care of the Pediatric Individual with a Respiratory Disorder" On 20 April2017 .
ýThe 14th International Scientific Nursing conference in Collaboration of Kennesaw University."Nursing Role in Leading & Advancing The Global Health "10 – 11 December 2017 Alexandria .
"How climate change affects children's health" On 11/12/2017.
2019 :
"The 6th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA 30 April – 03 MAY 2019.
"The 9th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA MAY 2022.
"The 10th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA MAY 2022.
"The 101th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA 6 - 10 MAY 2024.
"Biological Therapy in Treating Pediatric Asthma: Dream of the Future”.
“CardioAlex.24” 11 – 14 June 2024
“Examining the Potential of Exercise Interventions via Telemedicine for Children and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease”