Dr/ Maysa saber


a.     attending

§  27 may Work shop about" Research methodology and Scientific Writing "at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

§  The 7th International Conference of Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health (ARC) 28-29 May.

§  Help Baby Breath, Worm HUG CARE and Healthy Nutrition workshop, 28 May 2014 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

§  Medical and Nursing Education and Training in Egypt Workshop, 1 June 2014 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

§  شهاده شكر وتقدير من فريق القاده الاجتماعيين للاشتراك الفعال فى قافله باجوش الطبيه من 20 الى 23 اغسطس 2014

§    Nursing Education: It's Time to Click and Update, The 3rd annual scientific meeting, September 2014.

§  Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference from 23-25 September.

§  Work shop about CPR Egyptian Resuscitation Council , Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference.

§  Work shop about Mechanical Ventilation , Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference from 23-25 September.

§  Work shop about, How To Write your Promotion Dossier and Portfolio .Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference from 23-25 September.

§  Work shop about 'School Health ' in the 3rd International conference of Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University. on 23 November 2014.   

§  The 3rd International conference of Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University. Quality of Health Care: Education and Serveries, on 24-25 November 2014.  

b.    Participation :

§  First Scientific day " Strengths and Challenges in Nursing Administration " held by Nursing Administration Department 12 November 2014 .

§  My presentation about:

Preventing Medication Errors in Pediatric and Neonatal Patients

2015 :

a.     Attending

§  A seminar about IT unit on 8/4/2015, Damanhur University.

§  Training Course " External Review for Higher Educational Institutes " on 19-12 April 2015, National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.

§  Prevention of Mother & Child Transmission of HIV/ AIDS , 12 hour programme , form 27-28 April at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

§  "Neonatal Resucitation " 12 hour programme on 8-9 June 2015, at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

§  "Patient Safety " 24 hour programme on 14-17 June 2015, at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

§  Basic of Clinical Nutrition, 18 hour programme on 4-6 October 2015 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

§  Work shop about "How Emotionally Intelligent are you" On 12 October. The 13th International Scientific Nursing conference " Toward Better Nursing Practice "12-13 October ,Alexandria –Egypt –in Collaboration of Kennesaw University.

§  Training Course "ABG Interpretation workshop" Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 19th Conference, 13-15 October.

§  Alexandria Anesthesia and Intensive Care 18th Conference,13-15 October.

§  The 3rd National Pediatric Nursing Conference Faculty of Nursing Port Said University" Celebration the Past, Embracing the Future" on 12 November 2015.

§  The 17th Allergy Day on 19 -20 November 2015 at Alexandria Regional Center for Women Health.

b.    Participation :

ýThe 13th International Scientific Nursing conference " Toward Better Nursing Practice "12-13 October ,Alexandria –Egypt –in Collaboration of Kennesaw University.

My presentation about:

" Self-Care Knowledge and Practices among Diabetic School Students in El- Behaira Governorate." On 12 October .



2016 :

a.     Attending

§  The International Scientific conference "NURSING CARING SCIENCE " Faculty of Nursing Alexandria University in In cooperation with Linnaeus University –Sweden ,attending " Infection Control & Personal Hygiene & Practice " 4-5 January  2016.

§  The 5th International conference of Allergy & Immunology , Alexandria Society OF Allergy & The Egyptian Society of Allergy , In collaboration with The American College of Allergy & Immunology FROM 17-19 February 2016.

§  The 10th Annual Scientific Meeting " Road Map towards Better Children's Health " on 19 April 2016, Faculty of Nursing Alexandria University.

§  The 3RD Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2016,form 25-27 MAY.

§  Workshop about  "Cyctic Fibrosis" ,The 3RD Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2016,form 25-27 MAY.

§  Workshop about  "Inhaler Technique" ,The 3RD Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2016,form 25-27 MAY.

§  Neonatal & Pediatric Emergencies 21-23 July 2016, Pediatric Department of Damanhur Medical Institute.

§  The 3rd  annual liver and GIT conference El- Behaira Governorate on 27-28 October.

§  International Workshop about "Hypospadias repair" from 22-25 November, in Hypoalex 3rd , Alexandria Pediatric Surgery Department.

§  The 18th allergy day in Alexandria on 3rd and 4th of November 2016 , Society of Allergy &  Clinical Immunology  (COPD).

§  The 3rd Annual Community Medicine Conference " Demographic & Health  in Egypt" 26-28 November.

§  Workshop about " Autism " Alexandria Medical Syndicate 19 December 2016.




a.     Attending

§  Workshop about "Modern Competencies for University Larders" FLCD Alexandria University 13 March.

§  The 2nd AnnualConferenceof EL Maamoura Chest Hospital 16-17 March, 2017.

§  21th Egyptian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry Conference," Advanced in Child Neuropsychiatry " 10-11 May 2017.

§  Scientific day of Community Health Department Alexandria University "Non- Communicable Disease  "30 April 2017.

§  Beheira Neonatal Society 20-22July 2017.

§  Behera Second Annual Conference of Infection Control 19 October 2017.


 Participation :

"The 3rd International Scientific Nursing conference " Innovations & EBP in Nursing   "20  April  , Port Said University –Egypt –in Collaboration with  New-Mexico University.

My presentation about:

"Strategies to Promote & Integrate Clinical Inquiry"

The 5th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonary (ECPP) 2017.

My presentation about:

Nursing Care of the Pediatric Individual with a Respiratory Disorder" On 20 April2017 .

ýThe 14th International Scientific Nursing conference in Collaboration of Kennesaw University."Nursing Role in Leading & Advancing The Global Health   "10 – 11 December 2017  Alexandria .

My presentation about:

"How climate change affects children's  health" On 11/12/2017.

2019 :

 Participation :


"The  6th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA 30 April – 03 MAY 2019.

My presentation about:

Normal saline instillation with pediatric endotracheal suction: It’s what’s always been taught.

"The  9th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA MAY 2022.

My presentation about:

The Use of Digital Technologies to Improve Outcomes in Children with Asthma

"The  10th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA MAY 2022.

My presentation about:

Using artificial intelligence to identify asthma ‎exacerbation in hospitalized children

  • 1st Alexandria Pediatric Conference of Endocrinology and Diabetes (APCED) 25-26 May2023.



"The  101th Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA 6 - 10 MAY 2024.

My presentation about:

"Biological Therapy in Treating Pediatric Asthma: Dream of the Future”.


“CardioAlex.24” 11 – 14 June 2024

My presentation about:

“Examining the Potential of Exercise Interventions via Telemedicine for Children and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease”



أخر تحديث للصفحة : 10/8/2024 12:55:15 PM
عدد القراءات : 1237

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