· الأبحاث المنشورة دوليا ومحليا:

1. Ellakany, H., Katalin Fábián and Stipkovits, L. (1995): Examination of chickens for presence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum antibodies by immunoblot. The 12th Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, “In the memory of Louis Pasteur”, Budapest, Hungary, 23rd -25th  August,

2. Ellakany, H., Fábián Katalin and Stipkovits, L. (1996): Immunoblot examination of humoral response of chickens infected with M. gallisepticum at various ages. Volume 4, Program and Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology (IOM), pp. 39.  Orlando, Florida, USA July 14th -19th, 1996.

3. Fábián Katalin, Ellakany, H and Stipkovits, L. (1996): Immune response of chickens infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum after treatment with antibiotics. The Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, 21st -23rd,  August.

4. Ellakany, H., Fábián Katalin, Németh, I. and Stipkovits, L. (1996): Demonstration of antibodies produced in both blood serum and respiratory tract washings after infecting chickens with Mycoplasma gallisepticum by Western blot. The Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, 21st -23rd,  August.

5. Ellakany, H., Fábián Katalin and Stipkovits, L. (1997): Immunoblot examination of humoral response of chickens infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum at various ages. “Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 20 (4): 319-33.

6. Ellakany, H., Fábián Katalin and Stipkovits, L. (1997): Study of false positive reaction to Mycoplasma gallisepticum after immunization of chickens with killed vaccines against viral and bacterial infections. Abstracts of the XIthCongress of WVPA, pp. 91. Budapest, Hungary, 18th -22nd  August.

7. Fabián Katalin, Ellakany; H., Németh, I. and Stipkovits, L. (1997): Western blot examination of sera from Mycoplasma infected and vaccinated goslings. Abstracts of the XIthCongress of WVPA, pp. 279. Budapest, Hungary, 18-22 August.

8. Ellakany, H., Katalin Fábián and L. Stipkovits. (1997). Utilisation of Western Blot in serology of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG). The 2ndCongress of the Veterinary Medicine, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt, October 7-9, Volume 13 (7):841-846.

9. Ellakany, H;, Rashwan, A.; El Ebeedy, A. A. and L. Stipkovit,.L. (1997). Antibiotic resistance of avian mycoplasma strains isolated in Egypt. The 2ndCongress of the Veterinary Medicine, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt, October 7-9. Volume 13 (7):847-850.

10. Ellakany, H., Fábián Katalin, Németh, I. and Stipkovits, L. (1998): Antibody response detected by immunoblot in respiratory tract washings of chickens after infection with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Avian Pathology, 27, 547-554.

11. Stipkovits, L.; Fábián Katalin, Ellakany, H and Anno De Jong. (1998). Influence of fluoroquinolones treatment on humoral immune response of chickens infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Submitted to “Infection and Immunity”.

12. Khalil, S. and Ellakany, H. (2000). Molecular detection of IBDV in commercially reared chickens using reverse transcriptase /PCR restriction endonuclease assay.The first Scientific Congress of the Fac. Vet. Med., Menofia University, Sadat city.

13. Hatem S. Abd-El-Hamid; A.B.A. Bekhit; A.R. Shakshouk, Ellakany, H.; Metwally, H.M.S. and Eid G.S. Hussein. (2000). Evaluation of some vaccination programmes used against infectious bursal disease in commercial broilers in northern delta governorates: 1. Programs adopted in the field for the control of vvIBD in broiler flocks. The first Scientific Conference, October, Ismaillia of Suez Canal Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 3 (2): 791-809.

14.Sabria B. Abou El-Soud and Ellakany, H. (2001). Prophylactic effect of garlic against aflatoxicosis in Japanese quail. Alexandria J. of Vet. Sciences, 17(1): 97-117.

15. Ellakany, H.; K.I. Abou El-Azm, and H.S. Abd El-Hamid. (2001). Evaluation of vaccination with live-in-killed vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND). The 2nd International Scientific Conference, Mansura University, Fac. Vet. Med., In cooperation with University of Rome “Tor Vergata, Italy, University of Sassari, Saaaari, Italy and Scientific Attache-Italian Embassy in Cairo. Mansura, 8-9 April, 2001. p. 837-850.

16. Ellakany, H. and Gaafar, H. (2002). Effect of combined aflatoxicosis and ochratoxicosis on immunological, biochemical and histopathological measurements in broilers. The 6th Scientific Veterinary Medical Conference of Zagazig Univ., 7-9th September, 2002, Hurghada, Egypt, p. 43.

17. Ellakany, H.;Azza El-Sebai; Sultan, H. and Sami A.A.A. (2002). Control of Experimental DHV infection by Amantadine. The 6th Scientific Veterinary Medical Conference of Zagazig Univ., 7-9th September, 2002, Hurghada, Egypt, p. 757.

18. Ellakany, H.; Awad, A.M.; Iman Abd El-Aziz; Abd El-Hamid H.S. & Bekhit, A..A. (2003). Immuological and pathological effects of single & mixed S. enteritidis and M. gallisepticum infection in chickens. The 3rd International Scientific Conference, Mansoura Univ. and University of Torvergata, Italy. Mansura, 29-30 April. p. 91-109.

19. Hatem S. Abd El-Hamid, Abd El- Halim Mohamed Hegazy and Ellakany, H. (2003). Epidemiology of Salmonella in broiler chicken farms. Mansoura Univ. The 3rd International Scientific Conference, Mansoura Univ. and University of Torvergata, Italy. Mansura, 29-30 April, 2003. p. 55-89.

20. Bekhit, A.A.; Ellakany, H.F.; Abd El-Hamid, H.S. Awad, A.M. and Atia Neveen. (2003). Investigations on swollen head syndrome in broiler flocks.  Alexandria J. of Vet. Sciences, 19(1): 117-135.

21. El-Ashmawy,I.M.; Ellakany,H.F. and Salama,O.M.(2003).Efficacy of Myrrh in comparison with anticoccidial drug Diclazuril on performance of broiler chicks.The Proceeding of the 6th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Istanbul, June 24-28.

22. H.F.Ellakany; M.S.H. Rezk; A.M. Awad; and H.S. Abd El-Hamid. (2004). The role of probiotic and acidifier in the protection against experimental infection of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickens. The First International Conference of the Veterinary Research Division of The National Research Center, Cairo, 15-17 February, p.181-194.

23. Massoud, A.M.; I.M. El-Ashmawy; H.F. Ellakany and O.M. Salama (2004).Comparison between the efficacy of Myrrh and Diclazuril as an anticoccidial drugs on performance of broilers. The First International Conference of the Veterinary Research Division of The NationalResearchCenter, Cairo, 15-17 February, 2004. p.195-205.

24. Ahmed, A.A.S.; Awad, A.M.; Abd El-Hamid, H.S.; and Ellakkany, H.F. (2004). Evaluation of the protective efficacy of herpesvirus of turkey vaccine for immunization of day-old commercial broiler chicks against Marek’s diseae.1. Clinicopathological and immunological responses of immunized chickens to challenge with a local wild Marek’s disease virus. The 6th Sci. Conf. of the Egyptian branch of the WVPA, Cairo, Sept. 25-27. Cairo, p. 17.

25.Awad, A.M.; H.S. Abd El-Hamid; H. F. Ellakkany; A.A. Sami Ahmed and S.El-Manakhly (2004). Evaluation of the protective efficacy of herpesvirus of turkey vaccine for immunization of day-old commercial broiler chicks against Marek’s disease. 2. Sequential gross and histopatho-logical changes as well as mean lymphoid organ to bodyweight ratios following challenge at different age-intervals with a local wild Marek’s disease virus isolate of broiler chickens unimmunized and immunized with herpesvirus of turkey (HVT) vaccine at one day of age. The 6th Sci. Conf. of the Egyptian Branch of the WVPA, Cairo, Sept. 25th -27th , p. 44.

26.Abd El-Hamid, H.S.; Torkey, H.A.; Al-Shaboury, F.A.; Meran M.A. Sleim; Ellakany, H.F. and Awad, A.M. (2004). Incidence of salmonella infection in broilers and comparison between PCR and bacteriological method for diagnosis. The 6th Sci. Conf. of the Egyptian branch of the WVPA, Cairo, Sept. 25th -27th , p. 273.

27. Awad, A.M.; H. F. Ellakkany; A. E. Eid and H.S. Abd El-Hamid. (2004).Case report: Avian Leukosis virus subgroup-J (ALV-J) infection in broiler breeder chickens.The 6th Sci. Conf. of the Egyptian branch of the WVPA, Cairo, Sept. 25th -27th , p. 77-88.

28. Abd El-Hamid, H.S.; Torkey, H.A.; Al-Shaboury, F.A.; Meran M.A. Sleim; Ellakany, H.F. and Awad, A.M. (2004).Epidemiological studies on salmonellosis in poultry. Proc. 4th Conference of Fac. Vet. Med., Alexandria University. p. 294.

29. Ahmed, Aly Sami Ahmed, Ashraf Mohamed  Awad, Hatem Salah Edin Abd El-Hamid, Hany Ellakany and Sayed El-Manakhly(2005). Evaluation of the protective efficacy of commercial cell-free herpesvirus of turkey (HVT) vaccine in commercial broiler chicks against vv MDV challenge. The 14th WVPA Congress, Exhibition, 2nd -26th August, Istanbul, Turkey.

30. Abd El-Hamid, H.S.; Ellakany, H.F.; Hussien, A.F. (2006).Incidence of Salmonella infection in chickens in Libya. The 4th Conference of Fac. Vet. Med., Suez CanalUniv. Ismaillia, Fayed, 21st-23rd November.

31.Awad, A.M.; H.S. Abd El-Hamid; H. F. Ellakany; and A.A. S. Ahmed. (2006). Effect of challenge with local isolate of wild type Marek’s disease on the rate of antigen detection in the feather follicle epithelium of serotype-1 Rispense-vaccinated commercial broiler chickens. The 12th Scientific Congress of the Fac. Vet. Med., AssiutUniversity, 10th-12th December.

32. Abd El-Hamid, H.S.; Ellakany,, H.F. ; Abu El-Azm, I.M. and Radwan, M.H. (2007). Evaluation on the efficacy of several Salmonella vaccines on fecal shedding and colonization of Salmonella enteritidis in commercial layer chickens. 15th World Vet. Poult. Cong. (Oral Presentation).


33. El-Ashmawy, I.M. and Ellakany, H.F. (2007). Efficacy of a Novel Copper (I) Nicotinic Acid Complex on the Immune Response and Performance of Broiler Chickens Vaccinated Against Newcastle and Infectious Bursal Diseases.

Alexandria, Journal of Vet. Sciences, 26 (1): 135-151.

34. Ellakany, H.F.; Attia, Y.A.; Abd EL-Hamid, A.E.; Awad, S.; El-Ashmawy, I.M. and Nehal Berto (2007). Effect of adding Ginseng on some immunological, physiological and productive parameters in broiler chickens. The 5th International Scientific Conference, Mansoura Univ.and Teramo University, Italy. Mansura, 10th -11th April.

35. Ellakany , H.F. ; Awad, A. M.; Abd EL-Hamid, S. H. (2008). A contribution to the usage of tylosin tartrate during brooding broiler chicks for the control of vertically transmilted my coplasma gallispepticum. The 8th Scientific conference of the Egyptian Vet. Poultry Association, March 10-13, 2008.

36. Abd El-Hamid, H.S.; Ellakany, H.F.; Abu El-Azm, I.M.; and Radwan, M.H. (2008).Evaluation of the efficacy of several salmonella vaccines on fecal shedding and colonization of Salmonella enteritidis in commercial layer chickens. The 8th Scientific conference of the Egyptian Vet. Poultry Association, March 10-13, 2008.

37. Somaia S. Abuakkada;. Ellakany, H.F.(2008). Sensitivity of two field isolates of E. tenella from broiler chickens to salinomycin and diclazuril in a battery trial. The 13th Conf. of Fac. Vet. Med., AssuitUniversity, 23-25th November. 

38. Hatem  S Abd  El-Hamid1, Madiha S Ibrahim, Hany F Ellakany, Yohei Watanabe,Kazuyoshi Ikuta (2009).Molecular characterization of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) in Egypt, 2007. The 7th International Symposium on Avian Influenza, Avian Influenza in Poultry and Wild Birds. April, 5th -8th Georgia, USA, (Poster Presentation).

39.Ellakany, H.F.; Attia, Y.A. ; Abd El-Hamid, A.E. , Sherihan Ghazaly (2009).Control of Salmonella enteritidis infection in male layer chickens by different feed additives. The 5th Scientific Conference of the Fac. Vet. Med., 16-18 March, Alexandria. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 28 (1): 157-169.

40. Abd El-Hamid, H.S.; Basma Abd El-Halim; Ellakany, H.F. and Okeila,M.  (2009).Studies on Mycoplasma gallisepticum isolated from chicken flocks.The 5th Scientific Conference of the Fac. Vet. Med., 16-18 March, Alexandria. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 28 (1): 171-182.


41. Ellakany, H.F.; Somaia S. Abuakkada, Samah S. Oda(2009).Impact of Interaction Between Aflatoxicosis and Cecal Coccidiosis on Broiler Chickens.

KafrُEl-Sheikh, Vet. Med. J., 3rd Sci. Congress. 10-12 May, pp. 1026-1046.


42. Ellakany, H.F.; Rayhan, E.A.; Awad, A.M.; Abd El-Hamid, H.S. (2009). The effect of antibiotics and acidifier treatment on the count of Lactobacillus sp., E. coli, and Clostridium sp. in the intestine of chickens.  Kafr El-Sheikh, Vet. Med. J., 3rd Sci. Congress. 10-12 May, pp. 406-429.


43. Ellakany, H.F. and Hegazy, A.M. (2009).Evaluation of the immune response to Salmonella enteritidis infection and vaccination using immunoblotting and microtiter serum plate agglutination test. Kafr El-Sheikh, Vet. Med. J., 3rd Sci. Congress. 10-12 May 2009, pp. (530-546).


44. Abd El Hamid H.S., Awad A.M., Abou Rawash A.A., Ellakany H.F andEbrahim H.H.(2009). Detection of reticuloendotheliosis virus as contaminant of fowl pox vaccines. The 16th  Congress  of The WVPA,  November    9th-12th , Marrakesh, Morrocco.


45. Abd El Hamid, E.A.; Youssef, A.Attia, HanyF. Ellakany; and Sherihan A. Ghazaly (2009). Effect of acetic acid supplementation on some productive and physiological traits of Japanese quails. The 2nd Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, October, 4-7, Antalya, Turkey.


46. Awad, A. M.; H. S. Abd El Hamid; Abou Rawash, A.A;. Ellakany, H. F. and Ebrahim H.H. (2010). Detection of reticuloendotheliosis virus as contaminant

of fowl pox vaccines. In Poultry Science, 89:2389-2395.



47. Hany F. Ellakany, Somaia S. Abuakkada, Samah S. Oda and Yasser Said El-Sayed (2011(. Influence of low levels of dietary aflatoxins on Eimeria tenella infections in broilers. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43: p. 249-257, pp.


48. Ibrahim MSWatanabe YEllakany HF, Yamagishi ASapsutthipas SToyoda TAbd El-Hamied HSIkuta K. (2011). Host-specific genetic variation of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (H5N1).Virus Genes, vol. 42: 363-368.

49. Yohei Watanabe, Madiha S. Ibrahim, Hany F. Ellakany, Hatem S. Abd El-Hamid and Kazuyoshi Ikuta (2011). Genetic diversification of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus during replication in wild ducks. Gen Virol J, vol. 92:2105-10.

50. Watanabe YIbrahim MSEllakany HFKawashita NMizuike RHiramatsu HSriwilaijaroen N,Takagi TSuzuki YIkuta K(2011). Acquisition of Human-Type Receptor Binding Specificity by New H5N1 Influenza Virus Sublineages during Their Emergence in Birds in Egypt. PLoS Pathogen.  Volume 7 | Issue (5): 1-19.


51. Ellakany H.F. ;Awad . A.M and Abdel-Baky K.M. (2011). Comparison of the effect of three different anti-mycotoxin substrates on resistance to aflatoxins in broilers.

Alexandria J. Vet. Sci., Vol. 32, No.1.pp. 119-135.


52. Adel M.A., Khalil S., Ellakany H. and Abdelwanis N.A. (2010). Comparative Study on Three Different Imported Isolates of Avian Influenza Virus. Alex. J. Vet. ,Sci., Vol. 31, no. 1.pp. 107-114.


53.Awad A.M. , Ellakany H.F., Abd El Salam A.S. and Abd El Hamid H.S.( 2011). Phylogenetic Analysis of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI-H5N1) Virus Isolated During 2009- 2010 InEgypt.Alex. J. Vet. ,Sci., Vol. 32, No. 1.pp. 81-99.


54. Ashraf M. Awad, Hany F. Ellakany, Hanan S. Elsamahy and Hatem S. Abd El-Hamid (2012) Epidemiological studies on highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 during late 2009 and 2010 in Egypt Alexandria J. Vet. Sci., Vol. 35, No. 1,pp.  41-54.


55. Ayman E. Taha, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Hany F. Ellakany, and Ramadan S. Shewita (2012). Growth Performance and Immune Response against Newcastle and Avian Influenza Vaccines in Egyptian Chicken Strain. Global Veterinaria, vol. 9, no. (4), 434-440.


56. Watanabe Y, Ibrahim MS, Ellakany HF, Kawashita N, Daidoji T, Takagi T, Yasunaga T, Nakaya T, Ikuta K. (2012). Antigenic analysis of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 sublineages co-circulating in Egypt.  J Gen Virol. 93:2215-26.


57.  Fekry Aly, Samy Khalil and Hany Ellakany (2012).

Molecular Diagnosis Of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) In Broilers.

Zag. Vet. J.  Vol. 40 No.(5) pp. 1 -23.


58. Ashraf M. Awad, Hany F. Ellakany, Ahmed H. Salah-Eldin (2012).

Epidemiological Studies on highly patrogenic avian influenza H5N1 during late 2010 and 2011 in Egypt.Alex. J. Vet. Science,   Vol. 37(1): (331--336.).


59. Attia YA, Ellakany HF, Abd El-Hamid AE, Fulvia Bovera and Ghazaly SA (2012).

Control of Salmonella enteritidis infection in male layer chickens by acetic acid and/or prebiotics, probiotics and antibiotics.

Arch.Geflügelk., 76 ( 4). S. 239- 245.© Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart


60. Attia YA, Ellakany HF, Abd El-Hamid AE, Fulvia Bovera and Ghazaly SA (2012).Control of Salmonella enteritidis infection in male layer chickens byacetic acid and/or prebiotics, probiotics and antibiotics.

Arch.Geflügelk., 76 (4). S. 239–245.


61. Youssef A. Attia, Abdul E. Abd El-Hamid, Hany F. Ellakany, Fulvia Bovera, Mohammed A.Al-Harthi,Sharehan A. Ghazaly (2013).Growing and laying performance of Japanesequail fed diet supplementedwith different concentrationsof acetic acid.

Italian Journal of Animal Science; volume 12 (37): 220-230.


62. Attia YA, Allakany HF, Abd Al-Hamid AE, Al-Saffar AA, Hassan RA, Mohamed NA. (2013). Capability of different non-nutritive feed additives on improving productive and physiological traits of broiler chicks fed diets with or without aflatoxin during the first 3 weeks of life.J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). (4):754-72.


63. Ayman E. Taha, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Hany F. Ellakany and RamadanS. Shewita (2012). GrowthPerformance and Immune Response Against Newcastle and Avian Influenza Vaccines in Egyptian Chicken Strains. Global Veterinaria, 9 (4): 434-440.


64. Akeila, M.A.; Ellakany, H.F.; Sedik, M. E., and Behar, H.M. (2013).

Characterization and Plasmid Profiling of Salmonella Enteritidis Isolated from Broiler Chickens. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2013, 39:99-105.


65. Abd El-Hamid H.S.1, Ahmed H.A.2, Sadek K.M.3, El-Bestawy A.R.1, Ellakany H.F.(2014). Impact of Serratiopeptidase Treatment on Performance and Health Parameters inBroiler Chickens.Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 26 (2); Article No. 16, Pages: 84-90.


66. Soliman, M.K., Ellakany, H.F., Gaafar, A.Y., Elbialy, A.K., Zaki, M.S.and Younes, A.M. (2014).Epidemiology and antimicrobial activity of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from Nile tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus) during an outbreak in Egypt.


67. Samy A. Khalil, Hany F. El-Lakany, Heba M. Shaaban (2014).Laboratory Differentiation between Streptococcus Species Isolated from Different Sources.  Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 43(1): 37-44.

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