Atef M.K. Nassar, Ph.D.




Research Interests


1) Invistigate the use of nanoparticles as pesticide alternatives

2) Test the potentials of medicinal herbs and phytochemicals in overcoming pesticide toxicity

3) Ensure food safety                                      
Scopus ID: 24537552400



Research Projects




  • 2021 – Present: The principal investigator of the research project titled “Pesticides and the future of food security in Egypt: bee products from newly reclaimed lands as a model” funded by the Science, Technology, and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF).




  • 2014 - Present: Field evaluation (bioassay) of new insecticides against insect pests attacking tomato including fruit borer, Tuta absoluta, and leafminers. Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, Egypt. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt.


  • 1997 - 2004: Evaluation of the efficiency of pesticides on cotton pests. Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology Department, Faculty of Agriculture (Damanhour), Alexandria University, Funded by Egypt.Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt.




Interesting Sites:








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عدد القراءات : 20321

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