• PhD.   (January 2007): Rural Sociology from Department ofEconomic,  Agricultural Extension and Rural Development,Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour Branch, University of Alexandria, Egypt. Dissertation Title: Assessment and Analysis of Rural Youth Achievements in an Egyptian Village in EL-Behera Governorate. 
  • Ms. C. (November 2001):In Rural Sociology from Department of Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt. Thesis Title: Selected Correlates of the Viability of Local Rural Decentralization in Some Egyptian Villages.
  • B.Sc. (June 1993):The Agricultural Production Dept, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour Branch, and University of Alexandria, Egypt. With cumulative grade “Very Good”.
أخر تحديث للصفحة : 4/28/2013 11:34:33 AM
عدد القراءات : 536

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