·        Ph. D. (Jan. 2012):In Poultry Production from Departmentof Animaland poultry production, Faculty of Agriculture, UniversityofDamanhour,Egypt. Thesis Title: "Effect of Antibiotic or Bee Pollen with or without Propolis on Productive, Reproductive, Immunological and Biochemical Traits of NZW Rabbit Does and Their Offspring" With a cumulative grade in PhD Courses “Excellent”.

·        MS.C. (Dec. 2006):In Poultry production from Department of Animaland poultry production, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour Branch, UniversityofAlexandria,Egypt. Thesis Title"Impact of housing density, vitamin E and chromium supplementations on performance of growing and laying Japanese Quails." With a cumulative grade in Master's Courses “Excellent”.

·        B.Sc.  (June  2001):DepartmentofAnimal and poultry production,FacultyofAgriculture,Damanhour Branch, Universityof Alexandria, Egypt. With a cumulative grade “very good with honor”.

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عدد القراءات : 2136

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