Dr. Ahmed Harb Rabia, PhD


Assistant Professor of Remote Sensing and GIS.

Director of SPACE center at Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, Egypt.


Dr. Rabia has obtained his PhD in 2013 from the university of Naples "Federico II", Italy in GIS and remote sensing. He holds a Master's degree Course in "Geomatics and Natural Resources Evaluation” from Istituto Agronomico per L’oltremare, Faculty of Agriculture, Firenze University, Italy (2009), Master's degree in Soil and Water Science from Alexandria University (2007) and Bachelor of Science from Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University (2001).

He has published more than 21 papers in different peer-review journals and presented his work in several international conferences. In addition, he has published 3 scientific books in the fields of plant nutrition and soil science. He participated in several international conferences and workshops in Egypt and Abroad. His fields of interest include soil science, GIS and remote sensing, Impacts of Climate change on soils, land use change, and climate change modeling.

 From 2010 to 2013 he was a team member in the scientific project titled “Multifunctional Soil Conservation and Land Management through the Development of a Web-Based Spatial Decision Supporting System”, Department of Agriculture, University of Naples, Italy. In 2014 he was awarded a Post-doctor scholarship within the framework of the Multi-Disciplinary Training Programme “Science for Diplomacy” in IBIMET Institute, National research center of Italy (CNR) in FIRENZE (ITALY). In 2015 he was awarded a grant by the US  National  Academy of sciences for the development and coordination of a  National workshop for teaching responsible  Science in Egypt. He is the PI of the running research project "Towards a Sustainable Potato Production under Climate Change Conditions" funded by ARCA- Alexandria & IDRC Canada. In 2016, he established the center of "Sustainable Production and Adaptation to Climate Change Effects (SPACE center)" in the Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour university and he is the active director of the center.


Researchgate page:      https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ahmed_Rabia2 

Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations

Scopus Profile:              https://www.scopus.com/authid



  • GIS and remote sensing
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Soil science
  • Impacts of Climate change on soils
  • Land use change
  • Climate change modeling
  • Environmental  Studies
  • Agricultural Engineering


أخر تحديث للصفحة : 2/2/2021 3:31:12 AM
عدد القراءات : 4082

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لجامعة دمنهور © 2016
تصميم وتنفيذ مشروع البوابة الإلكترونية