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البريد الإلكتروني



إعداد/ وحده IT كليه الصيدله جامعه دمنهور


(العقاقير) أبحاث قسم


1- Efficacy-directed discrimination of the essential oils of three Juniperus species based on their in-vitro antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities.

Reham S. Darwisha, Hala M. Hammodaa, Doaa A. Ghareebb,c, Ali S.A. Abdelhamidc, El Moataz Bellah El Naggard, Fathallah M. Harraza, Eman Shawkya,∗ Click Here

2- Testicular Caspase-3 and -Catenin Regulators Predicted via Comparative Metabolomics and Docking Studies Mohammed S. Hifnawy 1, Mahmoud A. Aboseada 2, Hossam M. Hassan 3 , Asmaa M. AboulMagd 4 , Adel F. Tohamy 5,y , Samraa H. Abdel-Kawi 6,7, Mostafa E. Rateb 3,8,9 , El Moataz Bellah El Naggar 10, Miaomiao Liu 11, Ronald J. Quinn 11, Hani A. Alhadrami 12,13,* and Usama Ramadan Abdelmohsen 14,15,* Click Here

3- Nature-inspired male contraceptive and spermicidal 4 products 5 Mohammed S. Hifnawy . Mahmoud A. Aboseada . Hossam M. Hassan . 6 Adel F. Tohamy . El Moataz B. El Naggar . Usama Ramadan Abdelmohsen  Click Here

4- LC–MS/MS and GC–MS profiling as well as the antimicrobial effect of leaves of selected Yucca species introduced to Egypt
Abeer M. El Sayed 1*, Samar M. Basam2, El‑Moataz bellah A. El‑Naggar3, Hanan S. Marzouk2 & Seham El‑Hawary1
Few studies thoroughly investigated different Yucca Click Here

5- Evaluation of the effect of seasonal variation and organ selection on the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of oriental-cedar (Platyclaudus orientalis (L.) Franco) Reham S. Darwish , Eman Shawky Click Here

6-Comparative metabolomics reveal intraspecies variability in bioactive compounds of different cultivars of pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum L.) and their waste by-products Click Here

Nihal M. El Newehy, Mohammad M. Abd-Alhaseeb, Gamal A. Omran, Fathallah M. Harraz, Eman Shawky

7- Insights into HPLC-MS/MS Analysis, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of Astragalus fruticosus against Different Types of Cancer Cell Lines Click Here

Mohamed Fayez Dekinash, Tarek M. Okda, Ehab Kotb, Elmahallawy, Fathy Kandil El-Fiky, Gamal Abd El Hay Omran , Emil Svajdlenka, Naief Dahran, Manal F. El-Khadragy, Wafa A. Al-Megrin, El Moataz Bellah Ali El Naggar

8- Comprehensive metabolomics and chemometrics unravel potential anti-diabetic metabolites of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) fruits through UPLC-QqQ-MS and GC–MS analyses. Click Here

Mariam Abdelmonsef, Eman Shawky, Doaa A. Ghareeb, El Moataz Bellah El Naggar, Nihal M. El Newehy









أخر تحديث للصفحة : 9/17/2024 8:26:18 PM
عدد القراءات : 895