1- Randomized placebo-controlled study of baclofen in the treatment of muscle cramps in patients with liver cirrhosisAsem A. Elferta, Lobna Abo Alia, Samah Solimana, Sherin Zakariab, Ibrahim Shehab El-Dina, Walaa Elkhalawanya and Sherief Abd-Elsalama, Click Here
2- Novel moleculartriggers underlie valproate-induced liver injuryanditsalleviation by theomega-3fattyacid DHA: roleofinflammation and apoptosis
Abdalla M.El-Mowafy a,b,*, MohamedM.Katary c,d, ChelseyPye c, Ahmed S.Ibrahim a,c, AhmedA.Elmarakby c,*
3- Meloxicam fails to augment the reno-protective effects of solubleepoxide hydrolase inhibition in streptozotocin-induced diabetic ratsvia increased 20-HETE levels
Mohamed M. Katarya,b, Chelsey Pyea, Ahmed A. Elmarakby (Ph.D., FAHA) (R.Ph.)a,∗
4- N- acetyl cysteine Possible Protector Against Experimentally Indomethacin Induced Peptic Ulcer: Cross talks between Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-apoptotic Mechanisms
Nema Ali Soliman1*, Doaa Hussein Zineldeen1, Mohamed Alaa Katary2, Darin Abd El Aziz Ali3
5- Transforming Growth Factor-β1/ Smad3 Signaling and Redox Status in Experimentally Induced Nephrotoxicity: Impact of Carnosine
Walaa Arafa Keshk & Mohamed Alaa Katary
6- Gastroprotective Effect of Vanillin on Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcer in Rats: Protective Pathways and Anti-Secretory Mechanism Katary MA1 and Salahuddin A2*
7- Fingerprint profile and efficacy-associated markers of Nigella sativa oil for geographical origin determination using targeted and untargeted HPTLC-multivariate analysis EmanShawkyaNihal M.El NewehybAmira M.BeltagybMohammad M.Abd-AlhaseebdGamal A.OmrancFathallah M.Harraz ClickHere
8- Design, Optimization and Characterization of a Transfersomal Gel Using Miconazole Nitrate for the Treatment of Candida Skin Infections Mona Qushawy, Ali Nasr, Mohammed Abd-Alhaseeb, and Shady Swidan Click Here
9- Hesperidin, piperine and bee venom synergistically potentiate the anticancer effect of tamoxifen against breast cancer cells Abeer A.A.Khamis, Ehab M.M.Ali, Mohamed A. AbdEl-Moneim, Mohammad M.Abd-Alhaseeb, Mohammed AbuEl-Magd,
Elsayed I.Salim Click Here
10- Novel Proniosomes as Drug Delivery System for Transdermal Application of Itraconazole: Development, Characterization, Clinical and Bioavailability Study A. Egunyomi || O.O. Oyesiku || A.O. Bolaji
11- Helmy M.W., Sharabi F.M., Rizk R.E., and Ismail S.S. (2005): Comparative effects of tamoxifen versus anastrozole in an experimental mammary carcinogenesis model. JMRI., 26: 1-6.
12- Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Novel ionically crosslinked casein nanoparticles for flutamide delivery: formulation, characterization, and in vivo pharmacokinetics. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2013:8 1721–1732
13- Ahmed O. Elzoghby , Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Spray-dried casein-based micelles as a vehicle for solubilization and controlled delivery of flutamide: Formulation, characterization, and in vivo pharmacokineticsEur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2013 Aug;84(3):487-96
14- Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Micellar delivery of flutamide via milk protein nanovehicles enhances its anti-tumor efficacy in androgen-dependent prostate cancer rat model.Pharm. Res. 2013 Oct;30(10):2654-63
15- Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Noha I. Saad, Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Ionically-crosslinked milk protein nanoparticles as flutamide carriers for effective anticancer activity in prostate cancer-bearing rats. Eur J Pharm Biopharm.2013 Aug;85(3):444-51
16- Hanan M. El-Gowelli, Maged W. Helmy, Rabab M. Ali, Mahmoud M. El-Mas. Celecoxib offsets the negative renal influences of cyclosporine via modulation of the TGF-β1/IL-2/COX-2/endothelin ETB receptor cascade. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2014. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 275 (2014) 88–95
17- Mai M. Helmy, Maged W. Helmy, Dina M. Abd Allah , Ahmad M. Abo Zaid, Mahmoud M. Mohy El-Din Mohy El-Din.Selective ETA receptor blockade protects against cisplatin-induced acute renal failure in male rats. European Journal of Pharmacology 730 (2014) 133–139
18- Maged W. Helmy, Mai M. Helmy, Dina M. Abd Allah, Ahmad M. Abo Zaid, Mahmoud M. Mohy El-Din Mohy El-Din.Role of nitrergic and endothelin pathways modulations in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male rats. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2014, 65, 3, 393-399
19- Mahmoud M El-Mas,Maged W Helmy,, Rabab M Abdel-Halim, and Hanan M El-Gowelli. Celecoxib, but not indomethacin, ameliorates the hypertensive and perivascular fibrotic actions of cyclosporine in rats: Role of endothelin signaling. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 284 (2015) 1–7.
20- Maged W. Helmy, Hanan M. El-Gowelli, Rabab M. Ali, Mahmoud M. El-Mas.Endothelin ETA receptor/lipid peroxides/COX-2/TGF-β1 signaling underlies aggravated nephrotoxicity caused by cyclosporine plus indomethacin in rats. British Journal Of Pharmacology 05/2015; DOI: 10.1111/bph.13199
21- MM Helmy,MW Helmy, MM El-Mas. Additive Renoprotection by Pioglitazone and Fenofibrate against Inflammatory, Oxidative and Apoptotic Manifestations of Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity: Modulation by PPARs. PloS one, 2015; 10 (11), e014230.
22- AS Hanafy, RM Farid,MW Helmy, SS ElGamal. Pharmacological, toxicological and neuronal localization assessment of galantamine/chitosan complex nanoparticles in rats: future potential contribution in Alzheimer’s disease management. Drug delivery, 20167
23- Elzoghby AO, Mostafa SK, Helmy MW, El-Demellawy M, Shewita S, Superiority of aromatase inhibitor and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor combined delivery: Hyaluronate-targeted versus PEGylated protamine nanocapsulesfor breast cancer therapy, Int J Pharm 529 (2017) 178-192.
24- Elzoghby AO, Mostafa SK, Helmy MW, El-Demellawy M, Shewita S.Multi-Reservoir Phospholipid Shell Encapsulating Protamine Nanocapsules for Co-Delivery of Letrozole and Celecoxib In Breast Cancer Therapy. Pharm Res 34 (2017) 1956–1969.
25- Ahmed O Elzoghby, Sarah A El-Lakany, Maged W Helmy, Marwa M Abu-Serie, Nazik A Elgindy. Shell-crosslinked zein nanocapsules for oral codelivery of exemestane and resveratrol in breast cancer therapy. Nanomedicine 12 (24) (2017), 2785-2805
26- Shaymaa W El-Far, Maged W Helmy, Sherine N Khattab, Adnan A Bekhit, Ahmed A Hussein, Ahmed O Elzoghby. Phytosomal bilayer-enveloped casein micelles for codelivery of monascus yellow pigments and resveratrol to breast cancer. Nanomedicine 13 (5) (2018), 481-499
27- Maged W Helmy, Mai M Helmy, Mahmoud M El-Mas.Enhanced lipoxygenase/LTD4 activity accounts for the exaggerated hypertensive and nephrotoxic effects of cyclosporine plus indomethacin in rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy (2018) 102, 309-316
28 -Dalia M Kabary, Maged W Helmy, Kadria A Elkhodairy, Jia-You Fang, Ahmed O Elzoghby. Hyaluronate/lactoferrin layer-by-layer-coated lipid nanocarriers for targeted co-delivery of rapamycin and berberine to lung carcinoma. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2018) 169, 183-194
29- Sally A Sabra, Ahmed O Elzoghby, Salah A Sheweita, Medhat Haroun, Maged W Helmy, Maha A Eldemellawy, Ying Xia, David Goodale, Alison L Allan, Sohrab Rohani. Self-assembled amphiphilic zein-lactoferrin micelles for tumor targeted co-delivery of rapamycin and wogonin to breast cancer. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2018)128, 156-169
30- Mayada M Elgohary, Maged W Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A Abdelfattah, Doaa M Ragab, Sana M Mortada, Jia-You Fang, Ahmed O Elzoghby. Targeting sialic acid residues on lung cancer cells by inhalable boronic acid-decorated albumin nanocomposites for combined chemo/herbal therapy.Journal of Controlled Release (2018)285, 230-243
31- Rabab M Ali, Muhammad Y Al-Shorbagy, Maged W Helmy, Hanan S El-Abhar. Role of Wnt4/β-catenin, Ang Ii/tgfβ, Ace2, Nf-κb, and Il-18 in attenuating renal ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in rats treated with Vit D and pioglitazone. European journal of pharmacology (2018) 831, 68-76
32- Tarek K Motawi, Hebatallah A Darwish, Iman Diab, Maged W Helmy, Mohamed H Noureldin. Combinatorial strategy of epigenetic and hormonal therapies: A novel promising approach for treating advanced prostate cancer. Life sciences (2018) 198, 71-78
33- Maged W. Helmy, Mai M. Helmy, Mahmoud M. El-Mas.Enhanced lipoxygenase/LTD4 signaling accounts for the exaggerated hypertensive and nephrotoxic effects of cyclosporine plus indomethacin in rats.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 102 (2018) 309–316.
34- Shaymaa W El-Far, Maged W Helmy, Sherine N Khattab, Adnan A Bekhit1, Ahmed A Hussein & Ahmed O Elzoghby. Folate conjugated vs PEGylated phytosomal casein nanocarriers for codelivery of fungaland herbal-derived anticancer drugs. Nanomedicine (Lond.)(2018)13(12), 1463–1480
35- Rabab M. Alia, Muhammad Y. Al-Shorbagy, Maged W. Helmy, Hanan S. El-Abhar.Role of Wnt4/β-catenin, Ang II/TGFβ, ACE2, NF-κB, and IL-18 in attenuating renal ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in rats treated with Vit D and pioglitazone. European Journal of Pharmacology 831 (2018) 68–76
36- Sally A. Sabraa, Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Salah A. Sheweita, Medhat Haroun, Maged W. Helmy, Maha A. Eldemellawy, Ying Xiag, David Goodale, Alison L. Allang, Sohrab Rohani.Self-assembled amphiphilic zein-lactoferrin micelles for tumor targeted codelivery of rapamycin and wogonin to breast cancer. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 128 (2018) 156–169
37- Ahmed S AbdElhamid, Maged W Helmy, Shaker M Ebrahim, Mohammed Bahey-El-Din, Dina G Zayed, Esmat A Zein El Dein, Sanaa A El-Gizawy & Ahmed O Elzoghby.Layer-by-layer gelatin/chondroitin quantum dots-based nanotheranostics: combined rapamycin/celecoxib delivery and cancer imaging. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Aug 3. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2018-0028.
38- Dalia M. Kabary, Maged W. Helmy, Kadria A. Elkhodairy, Jia-You Fange, Ahmed O. Elzoghby.Hyaluronate/lactoferrin layer-by-layer-coated lipid nanocarriers fortargeted co-delivery of rapamycin and berberine to lung carcinoma. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 169 (2018) 183–194
39- Mahmoud M Abd Elwakil, Moustafa T Mabrouk, Maged W Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A Abdelfattah, Sachin K Khiste, Kadria A Elkhodairy & Ahmed O Elzoghby. Inhalable lactoferrin–chondroitin nanocomposites for combined delivery of doxorubicin and ellagic acid to lung carcinoma. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Aug; 13(16):2015-2035.
40- Dalia M. Kabary, Maged W. Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A. Abdelfattahe, Jia-You Fang, Kadria A. Elkhodairy, Ahmed O. Elzoghby,Inhalable multi-compartmental phospholipid enveloped lipid core nanocomposites for localized mTOR inhibitor/herbal combined therapy of lung carcinoma. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 130 (2018) 152–164
41- Mayada M. Elgohary, Maged W. Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A. Abdelfattahd, Doaa M. Ragabb, Sana M. Mortada, Jia-You Fange, Ahmed O. Elzoghby.Targeting sialic acid residues on lung cancer cells by inhalable boronic acid decorated albumin nanocomposites for combined chemo/herbal therapy. Journal of Controlled Release 285 (2018) 230–243
42- Mayada M Elgohary, Maged W Helmy, Sana M Mortada & Ahmed O Elzoghby.Dual-Targeted Nano-in-Nano Albumin Carriers Enhance The Efficacy of Combined Chemo/Herbal Therapy of Lung Cancer. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Sep; 13(17):2221-2224. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2018-0097.
43- Ahmed S AbdElhamid, Dina G Zayed, Maged W Helmy, Shaker M Ebrahim, Mohammed Bahey-El-Din, Esmat A Zein-El-Dein, Sanaa A El-Gizawy & Ahmed O Elzoghby. Lactoferrin-tagged quantum dots-based theranostic nanocapsules for combined COX-2 inhibitor/herbal therapy of breast Cancer. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Oct 19. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2018-0196
44- Anwar DM, Khattab SN, Helmy MW, Kamal MK, Bekhit AA, Elkhodairy KA, Elzoghby AO.Lactobionic/Folate Dual-Targeted Amphiphilic Maltodextrin-Based Micelles for Targeted Codelivery of Sulfasalazine and Resveratrol to Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Bioconjug Chem. 2018 Sep 19;29(9):3026-3041.
45- Sarah A. El-Lakany, Nazik A. Elgindy, Maged W. Helmy, Marwa M Abu-Serie & Ahmed O. Elzoghby.Lactoferrin-decorated vs. PEGylated zein nanospheres for combined aromatase inhibitor and herbal therapy of breast cancer. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2018 Sep; 15(9):835-850.
46- Mona A. Abdelmoneem, Mazen Mahmoud, Amira Zaky, Maged W. Helmy, Marwa Sallam, Jia-You Fange, Kadria A. Elkhodairy, Ahmed O. ElzoghbyDual-targeted casein micelles as green nanomedicine for synergistic phytotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Controlled Release 287 (2018) 78–93
47- Fatma M. Abdallah, Maged W. Helmy, Mohamed A. Katary, Asser I. Ghoneim. Synergistic antiproliferative effects of curcumin and celecoxib in hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2018 Dec; 391(12):1399-1410.
48- Sherin Zakariaa, Maged Wasfy Helmy, Ahmed Salahuddic, Gamal Omran.Chemopreventive and antitumor effects of benzyl isothiocynate on HCC models: A possible role of HGF /pAkt/ STAT3 axis and VEGF. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 108 (2018) 65–75
49- Ibrahim El Sayed, Maged W. Helmy,Hanan S. El-Abhar.Inhibition of SRC/FAK cue: A novel pathway for the synergistic effect of rosuvastatin on the anti-cancer effect of dasatinib in hepatocellular carcinoma.Life Sciences 213 (2018) 248–257
50- Helmy M.W., Sharabi F.M., Rizk R.E., and Ismail S.S. (2005): Comparative effects of tamoxifen versus anastrozole in an experimental mammary carcinogenesis model. JMRI., 26: 1-6.
51- Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Novel ionically crosslinked casein nanoparticles for flutamide delivery: formulation, characterization, and in vivo pharmacokinetics. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2013:8 1721–1732
52- Ahmed O. Elzoghby , Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Spray-dried casein-based micelles as a vehicle for solubilization and controlled delivery of flutamide: Formulation, characterization, and in vivo pharmacokineticsEur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 2013 Aug;84(3):487-96
53- Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Micellar delivery of flutamide via milk protein nanovehicles enhances its anti-tumor efficacy in androgen-dependent prostate cancer rat model.Pharm. Res. 2013 Oct;30(10):2654-63
54- Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Noha I. Saad, Maged W. Helmy, Wael M. Samy, Nazik A. Elgindy. Ionically-crosslinked milk protein nanoparticles as flutamide carriers for effective anticancer activity in prostate cancer-bearing rats. Eur J Pharm Biopharm.2013 Aug;85(3):444-51
55- Hanan M. El-Gowelli, Maged W. Helmy, Rabab M. Ali, Mahmoud M. El-Mas. Celecoxib offsets the negative renal influences of cyclosporine via modulation of the TGF-β1/IL-2/COX-2/endothelin ETB receptor cascade. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2014. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 275 (2014) 88–95
56- Mai M. Helmy, Maged W. Helmy, Dina M. Abd Allah , Ahmad M. Abo Zaid, Mahmoud M. Mohy El-Din Mohy El-Din.Selective ETA receptor blockade protects against cisplatin-induced acute renal failure in male rats. European Journal of Pharmacology 730 (2014) 133–139
57- Maged W. Helmy, Mai M. Helmy, Dina M. Abd Allah, Ahmad M. Abo Zaid, Mahmoud M. Mohy El-Din Mohy El-Din.Role of nitrergic and endothelin pathways modulations in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male rats. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2014, 65, 3, 393-399
58- Mahmoud M El-Mas,Maged W Helmy,, Rabab M Abdel-Halim, and Hanan M El-Gowelli. Celecoxib, but not indomethacin, ameliorates the hypertensive and perivascular fibrotic actions of cyclosporine in rats: Role of endothelin signaling. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 284 (2015) 1–7.
59- Maged W. Helmy, Hanan M. El-Gowelli, Rabab M. Ali, Mahmoud M. El-Mas.Endothelin ETA receptor/lipid peroxides/COX-2/TGF-β1 signaling underlies aggravated nephrotoxicity caused by cyclosporine plus indomethacin in rats. British Journal Of Pharmacology 05/2015; DOI: 10.1111/bph.13199
60- MM Helmy,MW Helmy, MM El-Mas. Additive Renoprotection by Pioglitazone and Fenofibrate against Inflammatory, Oxidative and Apoptotic Manifestations of Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity: Modulation by PPARs. PloS one, 2015; 10 (11), e014230.
61- AS Hanafy, RM Farid,MW Helmy, SS ElGamal. Pharmacological, toxicological and neuronal localization assessment of galantamine/chitosan complex nanoparticles in rats: future potential contribution in Alzheimer’s disease management. Drug delivery, 2016
62- Elzoghby AO, Mostafa SK, Helmy MW, El-Demellawy M, Shewita S, Superiority of aromatase inhibitor and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor combined delivery: Hyaluronate-targeted versus PEGylated protamine nanocapsulesfor breast cancer therapy, Int J Pharm 529 (2017) 178-192.
63- Elzoghby AO, Mostafa SK, Helmy MW, El-Demellawy M, Shewita S.Multi-Reservoir Phospholipid Shell Encapsulating Protamine Nanocapsules for Co-Delivery of Letrozole and Celecoxib In Breast Cancer Therapy. Pharm Res 34 (2017) 1956–1969.
64- Ahmed O Elzoghby, Sarah A El-Lakany, Maged W Helmy, Marwa M Abu-Serie, Nazik A Elgindy. Shell-crosslinked zein nanocapsules for oral codelivery of exemestane and resveratrol in breast cancer therapy. Nanomedicine 12 (24) (2017), 2785-2805
65- Shaymaa W El-Far, Maged W Helmy, Sherine N Khattab, Adnan A Bekhit, Ahmed A Hussein, Ahmed O Elzoghby. Phytosomal bilayer-enveloped casein micelles for codelivery of monascus yellow pigments and resveratrol to breast cancer. Nanomedicine 13 (5) (2018), 481-499
666- Maged W Helmy, Mai M Helmy, Mahmoud M El-Mas.Enhanced lipoxygenase/LTD4 activity accounts for the exaggerated hypertensive and nephrotoxic effects of cyclosporine plus indomethacin in rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy (2018) 102, 309-316
67- Dalia M Kabary, Maged W Helmy, Kadria A Elkhodairy, Jia-You Fang, Ahmed O Elzoghby. Hyaluronate/lactoferrin layer-by-layer-coated lipid nanocarriers for targeted co-delivery of rapamycin and berberine to lung carcinoma. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2018) 169, 183-194
68- Sally A Sabra, Ahmed O Elzoghby, Salah A Sheweita, Medhat Haroun, Maged W Helmy, Maha A Eldemellawy, Ying Xia, David Goodale, Alison L Allan, Sohrab Rohani. Self-assembled amphiphilic zein-lactoferrin micelles for tumor targeted co-delivery of rapamycin and wogonin to breast cancer. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2018)128, 156-169
69- Mayada M Elgohary, Maged W Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A Abdelfattah, Doaa M Ragab, Sana M Mortada, Jia-You Fang, Ahmed O Elzoghby. Targeting sialic acid residues on lung cancer cells by inhalable boronic acid-decorated albumin nanocomposites for combined chemo/herbal therapy.Journal of Controlled Release (2018)285, 230-243
70- Rabab M Ali, Muhammad Y Al-Shorbagy, Maged W Helmy, Hanan S El-Abhar. Role of Wnt4/β-catenin, Ang Ii/tgfβ, Ace2, Nf-κb, and Il-18 in attenuating renal ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in rats treated with Vit D and pioglitazone. European journal of pharmacology (2018) 831, 68-76
71- Tarek K Motawi, Hebatallah A Darwish, Iman Diab, Maged W Helmy, Mohamed H Noureldin. Combinatorial strategy of epigenetic and hormonal therapies: A novel promising approach for treating advanced prostate cancer. Life sciences (2018) 198, 71-78
72- Maged W. Helmy, Mai M. Helmy, Mahmoud M. El-Mas.Enhanced lipoxygenase/LTD4 signaling accounts for the exaggerated hypertensive and nephrotoxic effects of cyclosporine plus indomethacin in rats.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 102 (2018) 309–316.
73- Shaymaa W El-Far, Maged W Helmy, Sherine N Khattab, Adnan A Bekhit1, Ahmed A Hussein & Ahmed O Elzoghby. Folate conjugated vs PEGylated phytosomal casein nanocarriers for codelivery of fungaland herbal-derived anticancer drugs. Nanomedicine (Lond.)(2018)13(12), 1463–1480
74- Rabab M. Alia, Muhammad Y. Al-Shorbagy, Maged W. Helmy, Hanan S. El-Abhar.Role of Wnt4/β-catenin, Ang II/TGFβ, ACE2, NF-κB, and IL-18 in attenuating renal ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in rats treated with Vit D and pioglitazone. European Journal of Pharmacology 831 (2018) 68–76
75- Sally A. Sabraa, Ahmed O. Elzoghby, Salah A. Sheweita, Medhat Haroun, Maged W. Helmy, Maha A. Eldemellawy, Ying Xiag, David Goodale, Alison L. Allang, Sohrab Rohani.Self-assembled amphiphilic zein-lactoferrin micelles for tumor targeted codelivery of rapamycin and wogonin to breast cancer. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 128 (2018) 156–169
76- Ahmed S AbdElhamid, Maged W Helmy, Shaker M Ebrahim, Mohammed Bahey-El-Din, Dina G Zayed, Esmat A Zein El Dein, Sanaa A El-Gizawy & Ahmed O Elzoghby.Layer-by-layer gelatin/chondroitin quantum dots-based nanotheranostics: combined rapamycin/celecoxib delivery and cancer imaging. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Aug 3. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2018-0028.
77- Dalia M. Kabary, Maged W. Helmy, Kadria A. Elkhodairy, Jia-You Fange, Ahmed O. Elzoghby.Hyaluronate/lactoferrin layer-by-layer-coated lipid nanocarriers fortargeted co-delivery of rapamycin and berberine to lung carcinoma. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 169 (2018) 183–194
78- Mahmoud M Abd Elwakil, Moustafa T Mabrouk, Maged W Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A Abdelfattah, Sachin K Khiste, Kadria A Elkhodairy & Ahmed O Elzoghby. Inhalable lactoferrin–chondroitin nanocomposites for combined delivery of doxorubicin and ellagic acid to lung carcinoma. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Aug; 13(16):2015-2035.
79- Dalia M. Kabary, Maged W. Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A. Abdelfattahe, Jia-You Fang, Kadria A. Elkhodairy, Ahmed O. Elzoghby,Inhalable multi-compartmental phospholipid enveloped lipid core nanocomposites for localized mTOR inhibitor/herbal combined therapy of lung carcinoma. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 130 (2018) 152–164
80- Mayada M. Elgohary, Maged W. Helmy, Elsayeda-Zeinab A. Abdelfattahd, Doaa M. Ragabb, Sana M. Mortada, Jia-You Fange, Ahmed O. Elzoghby.Targeting sialic acid residues on lung cancer cells by inhalable boronic acid decorated albumin nanocomposites for combined chemo/herbal therapy. Journal of Controlled Release 285 (2018) 230–243
81- Mayada M Elgohary, Maged W Helmy, Sana M Mortada & Ahmed O Elzoghby.Dual-Targeted Nano-in-Nano Albumin Carriers Enhance The Efficacy of Combined Chemo/Herbal Therapy of Lung Cancer. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Sep; 13(17):2221-2224. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2018-0097.
82- Ahmed S AbdElhamid, Dina G Zayed, Maged W Helmy, Shaker M Ebrahim, Mohammed Bahey-El-Din, Esmat A Zein-El-Dein, Sanaa A El-Gizawy & Ahmed O Elzoghby. Lactoferrin-tagged quantum dots-based theranostic nanocapsules for combined COX-2 inhibitor/herbal therapy of breast Cancer. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2018 Oct 19. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2018-0196
83- Anwar DM, Khattab SN, Helmy MW, Kamal MK, Bekhit AA, Elkhodairy KA, Elzoghby AO.Lactobionic/Folate Dual-Targeted Amphiphilic Maltodextrin-Based Micelles for Targeted Codelivery of Sulfasalazine and Resveratrol to Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Bioconjug Chem. 2018 Sep 19;29(9):3026-3041.
84- Sarah A. El-Lakany, Nazik A. Elgindy, Maged W. Helmy, Marwa M Abu-Serie & Ahmed O. Elzoghby.Lactoferrin-decorated vs. PEGylated zein nanospheres for combined aromatase inhibitor and herbal therapy of breast cancer. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2018 Sep; 15(9):835-850.
85- Mona A. Abdelmoneem, Mazen Mahmoud, Amira Zaky, Maged W. Helmy, Marwa Sallam, Jia-You Fange, Kadria A. Elkhodairy, Ahmed O. ElzoghbyDual-targeted casein micelles as green nanomedicine for synergistic phytotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Controlled Release 287 (2018) 78–93
86- Fatma M. Abdallah, Maged W. Helmy, Mohamed A. Katary, Asser I. Ghoneim. Synergistic antiproliferative effects of curcumin and celecoxib in hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2018 Dec; 391(12):1399-1410.
87- Sherin Zakariaa, Maged Wasfy Helmy, Ahmed Salahuddic, Gamal Omran.Chemopreventive and antitumor effects of benzyl isothiocynate on HCC models: A possible role of HGF /pAkt/ STAT3 axis and VEGF. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 108 (2018) 65–75
88- Ibrahim El Sayed, Maged W. Helmy,Hanan S. El-Abhar.Inhibition of SRC/FAK cue: A novel pathway for the synergistic effect of rosuvastatin on the anti-cancer effect of dasatinib in hepatocellular carcinoma.Life Sciences 213 (2018) 248–257
89- Brainstem cholinergic pathways diminish cardiovascular and neuroinflammatory actions of endotoxemia in rats: Role of NFκB/α7/α4β2AChRs signaling Marwa Y, Sahar M.El-Gowilly, Mohamed A.Fouda, Mohammed M.Abd-Alhaseeb, Mahmoud M.El-Mas Click Here
90- Protective effects of Astragalus kahiricus root extract on ethanol-induced retrograde memory impairments in mice. Basma M. Abdelaziz , Maged W Helmy , Mohamed A Katary , Mohammad M. Abd-Alhaseeb , Asser I. Ghoneim Click Here
91- Preparation and Evaluation of Carbamazepine Solid Lipid Nanoparticle for Alleviating Seizure Activity in Pentylenetetrazole-Kindled Mice by Mona Qushawy 1,2,*, Kousalya Prabahar 3, Mohammed Abd-Alhaseeb 4 , Shady Swidan 5,6 and Ali Nasr 2,7 Click Here
92- Synergistic antiproliferative effects of curcumin and celecoxib in hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells
Fatma M. Abdallahm Maged W. Helmy, Mohamed A. Katary, Asser I. Ghoneim Click Here
93- Student Perceptions of a Modified Flipped Classroom Model for Accreditation in a Pharmacotherapeutics Course
Asser Ghoneim , Abdalla El-Lakany Click Here
94- Evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic activities, and side effects of some pyrazole derivatives
Souraya Domiati, Ahmed El-Mallah, Asser Ghoneim, Adnan Bekhit & Heba Abd El Razik Click Here
95-Salvianolic Acid B Slows the Progression of Breast Cancer Cell Growth via Enhancement of Apoptosis and Reduction of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Angiogenesis Mohamed A. Katary , Rafik Abdelsayed , Abdulmohsin Alhashim, Mohamed Abdelhasib and Ahmed A. Elmarakby Click Here
96- Combinatorial antitumor effects of amino acids and epigenetic modulations in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines Click Here
Yasmine Attia Hassan, Maged Wasfy Helmy, Asser Ibrahim Ghoneim
97- The synergistic anti-proliferative effect of the combination of diosmin and BEZ-235 (dactolisib) on the HCT-116 colorectal cancer cell line occurs through inhibition of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR/NF-κB axis Click Here
Maged W Helmy, Asser I Ghoneim, Mohamed A Katary, Rana K Elmahdy
98- Protective effects of melatonin and L-carnitine against methotrexate-induced toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes Click Here
Asser Ibrahim Ghoneim, Lamiaa Adel Khatab and Ihab Talat Abdel-Raheem
99- Synergistic effect of Dactolisib/Lys05 combination on autophagy in A549 cells Click Here
Mohammad M. Abdelwahab1, Hesham Saeed, Nefertiti El-Nikhely and Hisham A. Nematalla.
100- Portulaca oleracea L. (purslane) improves the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and autophagic actions of metformin in the hippocampus of diabetic demented rats Click Here
Salma F. Hassan, Asser I. Ghoneim, Doaa A. Ghareeb, Hisham A. Nematalla
101- Inclusion of Nitrofurantoin into the Realm of Cancer Chemotherapy via Biology-Oriented Synthesis and Drug Repurposing Click Here
Perihan A. Elzahhar, Hisham A. Nematalla, Houssam Al-Koussa, Carla Abrahamian, Amira F. El-Yazbi, Larry Bodgi, Jolie Bou-Gharios, Joyce Azzi, Joelle Al Choboq, Hala F. Labib, Wassim Abou Kheir, Marwa M. Abu-Serie, Mohamed A. Elrewiny, Ahmed F. El-Yazbi, and Ahmed S. F. Belal.
102- Unveiling the antitumor synergy between pazopanib and metformin on lung cancer through suppressing p-Akt/ NF-κB/ STAT3/ PD-L1 signal pathway. Click Here
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 180, November 2024, 117468
Fatma M. Abdallah a b, Asser I. Ghoneim a, Mohammad M. Abd Alhaseeb a c, Ihab T. Abdel-Raheem a, Maged W. Helmy a