Damanhour University : ItsRole in Beheira Governorate Development
Covering 9122 square Kilometers, Beheira is the largest governorate in Egypt with a population of 5 million citizens.
While the percentage of citizens with university education in the age group 18 to 23 nationwide is 28%, it plummets
in Beheira to 13%.One of our national goals in Egyptis to reach up to 50% in 2020. This bringsto the fore the great
importance of the role played by the university in developingBeheira community. Taking into consideration the
increasing number of secondary school (ThanaweyaAmma) graduates,exceeding 200.000every year, the great
importance attached to the role of the university as the backbone supporting the continual development of the
governorate becomes clear. In 2013/2014, the number of students pursuing undergraduate studies in the different
faculties exceeded 29,000 and those engaged in the postgraduate programs more than 4000 adding up to a total of
more than 30.000 students in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Hence, the importance of Damanhour University and its role become manifest. The need to increase the number of
students accepted at each faculty as well as the number and variety of faculties must be fulfilled in a way that suits the
development plans ofthe different fields in Beheira. Cooperation between the university and the different institutions in
Beheirais fostered through relating scientific research to the needs of the market and society. The university also
works on providing the different consultation services through coordinating with governorate apparatuses and
institutions of civil society, like businessmen associations and the Chamber of Commerce, in order to reach a
contemporary understanding of the role of university as the bedrock supporting and advancing development. The
university also seeks to provide the necessary scientific and vocational cadres required to achieve development in
Egypt as a whole and in the North Delta region and Beheira governorate in particular.Damanhour University aims to
meet the needs of the different production and development sectors in the governorate and to contribute strategically
to its economic development. This led the university to develop its own vision, plan and strategies.