Some pharmacological studies on the ionophore coccidiostat salinomycin
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تصنيف ديوى:



Mohamed, Refaat Khodary.


Some pharmacological studies on the ionophore coccidiostat salinomycin/

بيان المسئولية :

Refaat Khodary Mohamed ; under supervision Moustafa Abdel-Aziz Mohamed, Mohamed Yosry Koshaik, Sawsan Mohamed El-Sheikh.

تاريخ النشر:



128 p. :

ابعاد الوعاء:

29 cm.


The pharmacological properties of the ionophore coccidiostat, salinomycin were studied. The experiments were performed on isolated preparations of chickens and also on isolated guinea pig vas deferens and rat anococcygeus muscle. Effects on blood pressure, respiration and ECG were investigated in chickens. Effects on the isolated smooth muscles: Salinomycin produces a dose dependent inhibitory effect on the doudenum and ileum of chickens. This inhibitory effect was proved to be due to an alpha adrenoceptor agonist activity, since salinomycin failed to produce its inhibitory effect in the presence of phenoxybenzamine. Salinomycin stimulated the oviduct, aortic strip and splenic capsule preparations of the chickens. These stimulatory effects were also attribuced to an alpha adrenoceptor agonist activity. The same effect was confirmed on guinea pig vas deferens and rat anococcygeus muscle.


Coccidiostat salinomycin.

مؤلف فرعي:

Mohamed, Moustafa Abdel-Aziz,

مؤلف فرعي:

Koshaik, Mohamed Yosry,

مؤلف فرعي:

El-Sheikh, Sawsan Mohamed,

تصنيف ديوى:



Mohamed, Refaat Khodary.


Some pharmacological studies on the ionophore coccidiostat salinomycin/

بيان المسئولية :

Refaat Khodary Mohamed ; under supervision Moustafa Abdel-Aziz Mohamed, Mohamed Yosry Koshaik, Sawsan Mohamed El-Sheikh.

تاريخ النشر:



128 p. :

ابعاد الوعاء:

29 cm.


The pharmacological properties of the ionophore coccidiostat, salinomycin were studied. The experiments were performed on isolated preparations of chickens and also on isolated guinea pig vas deferens and rat anococcygeus muscle. Effects on blood pressure, respiration and ECG were investigated in chickens. Effects on the isolated smooth muscles: Salinomycin produces a dose dependent inhibitory effect on the doudenum and ileum of chickens. This inhibitory effect was proved to be due to an alpha adrenoceptor agonist activity, since salinomycin failed to produce its inhibitory effect in the presence of phenoxybenzamine. Salinomycin stimulated the oviduct, aortic strip and splenic capsule preparations of the chickens. These stimulatory effects were also attribuced to an alpha adrenoceptor agonist activity. The same effect was confirmed on guinea pig vas deferens and rat anococcygeus muscle.


Coccidiostat salinomycin.

مؤلف فرعي:

Mohamed, Moustafa Abdel-Aziz,

مؤلف فرعي:

Koshaik, Mohamed Yosry,

مؤلف فرعي:

El-Sheikh, Sawsan Mohamed,