ترتيب البحث % |
تاريخ النشر
إسم المجلة
عنوان البحث
إسم الباحث
2018 |
Irrigation secience |
Deficit irrigation : a viable option for sustainable confection sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)production in the semi-arid us) |
د.السيد عبد الرءوف عبدالله عبد الرءوف |
1 |
2018 |
Bioscience reasaerch
Chemical constituents and yield of simmondsia chinnsis plants as affected by folaie application of gibberellic acid and zinc sulphate
د.اميرة خميس غريب عطية |
2 |
2018 |
bioscience research |
impact of actosol and yeast extract on productivity and essential oil constituents of zinnia elegansplants
د.اميرة خميس غريب عطية |
3 |
2018 |
bioscience resrarch |
growth , flowering and chemical composition of tagetes patulal . plants as affected with naphalene acetic and gibberellic acid |
د.اميرة خميس غريب عطية |
4 |
2018 |
Plant science |
A comparison between genotyping – by – sequencing and array – based scoring of SNPS for genomic prediction accuracy in winter wheat |
د./ إبراهيم صلاح البسيوني |
5 |
2018 |
Plant protect |
Antifungal potential and biochemical effects of monoterpenes and phenylpropenes on plant pathogenic fungi |
د./ جيهان إبراهيم خليل مرعى |
6 |
2018 |
L w t food science and technology |
Impact of in-vitro gastro-pancreatic digestion on polyphenols and cinnamaldehyde bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity in stirred cinnamon – fortified yogurt |
د./ احمد محمد هلال |
7 |
2018 |
Plants |
Phenotypic and physiological evalution of two and six rows barley under different environmental conditions |
د./ محمود محمد عبدالمطلب |
8 |
2018 |
International dairy journal |
Biological activities and peptidomic profile of in vitro – digested cow, camel, goat and sheep milk |
د./ شريف مصباح شمسية |
9 |
2018 |
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry |
Tailoring of potential nanoformulated from of gibberellic acid : synthesis ,characterization , and field applications on vegetation and flowering |
د./ اميرة عثمان محروس عثمان |
10 |
2017 |
Journal of polymer materials |
Synthesis and characterization of N- (maleoyl) chitosan at different degrees of substitution with antibacterial activity |
د./ انتصار إبراهيم ربيع |
11 |
2017 |
Insectes sociaux |
A review of impacts of temperature and relative humidity on various activies of honey bess |
د./حسام فرج ابوشعرة |
12 |
2017 |
Turkish journal of veterinary and animal sciences |
Impacts of oxalic acide , thymol ,and postassium citrate as varroa control on some parameters of honey bess |
د./ حسام فرج أبوشعرة |
13 |
2017 |
Poultry science
Effect of heat stress on amino acide digestibility and transporters in meat – type chickens |
د./ وليد شعبان احمد حبشى |
14 |
2017 |
Journal of plant pathology
Impact of antioxidants and micronutrients as fungicides alternatives in improvement of antagonism of trichoderma spp. Against sclerotinia sclerotiorum |
د./ محمد مجدى المتولى |
15 |
2017 |
Rev. Mex Clience Pecu. |
Tumeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) as a phytrogenic growth promoter alternative for antibiotic and comparable to mannan oligosaccharides for broiler chicks. |
د./ صابر شحاته عبد الونيس حسن |
16 |
2017 |
Europ. Poult. Sci. |
Broiler tolerance to heat stress at various dietary protein/energy levels |
د./ صابر شحاته عبد الونيس حسن |
17 |
2017 |
Asian Journal of Plant Pathology. |
Efficacy of some nanoparticles to control damping off and root rot of sugar beet in El-Bhiera Governorate, |
أ.د./ إيمان العرجاوي رمضان |
18 |
2017 |
African Journal of Microbiology Research |
Potential of certain cultivars and resistance inducers to control gray (Botrytis cinerea) of pepper (Capsicum annum L.) mould. |
أ.د./ إيمان العرجاوي رمضان |
19 |
2017 |
Sustainability |
Cell membrane stability and association mapping for drought and heat tolerance in a world wide wheat collection |
د./ إبراهيم صلاح البسيوني |
20 |
2017 |
Rev. Mex. Cienc. Pecu.
Response of slow –growing chickens to feed restriction and effects on growth performance blood constituents and immune markers. |
أ.د./ عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد |
21 |
2017 |
International Dairy Journal |
Angiotensin – converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from goat,s milk released by in vitro gastro – intestinal digestion. |
أ.د./ شريف مصباح شمسية |
22 |
2017 |
fruits |
Potential of chitosan films mmobilized with carboxylesterase on cucumber and grape preservation in post – harvest and degradation of carbamate and organophosphorus pesticides |
ا.د./ انتصار ابراهيم ربيع |
23 |
2016 |
Biotechnology & biotechnological equipment |
Identification of molecular markers linked to fusarium ear rot genes in maize plants zea mays l
د / منال مصطفى عبدالحميد |
24 |
2016 |
Effects of down regulation of lignin content in maize (zea maysl.) plants expressing c4H3 gene in the antisens orientation |
د / منال مصطفى عبدالحميد |
25 |
2016 |
Asian journal of microbial |
Identification of differentially expressed genes induced by poly ethylene glycol in maize (zee mays l.) callus quality |
د / منال مصطفى عبدالحميد |
26 |
2016 |
Dairy Sciences and Technology |
A Bovine milk antioxidant properties effect of in vitro digestion and identification of antioxidant compounds. |
د./ أحمد محمد إبراهيم هلال |
27 |
2016 |
International Dairy Journal |
Composition and properties of peptides that survive standardized in vitro gastro- pancreatic digestion of bovine milk. |
د./ أحمد محمد إبراهيم هلال |
28 |
2016 |
Theriogenology |
Effect of mastitis on luteal function and pregnancy rates in buffaloes |
د./ محمد محسن منصور |
29 |
2016 |
International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. |
Chemical and Biological Control of Dracaena marginata leaf spots in Northern Egypt. |
أ.د./ إيمان العرجاوي رمضان |
30 |
2016 |
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition |
Effect of zinc bacitracin and phytase on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass and meat traits of broilers. |
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد |
31 |
Journal of Environmental Quality
Nutrient Leaching and soil Retention in Mined Land Reclaimed with stabilized Manure.
د / عماد أبو كيلة
Plant Cell Reo
Expression of auxin - binding protein 1 during plum fruit ontogeny supports the potential role of auxin in initiating and enhancing climacteric.
د / إسلام جابر الشرقاوى
د / شريف عبد المجيد شريف
Reproduction , Fertility and Development
74 Relationship between Blood Metabolites and Luteal function with the pregnancy occurrence in Dairy Cows.
.د / عبد الرازق سعيد تاج الدين
د / سعد الدين محمد المكاوى
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.
Fruit Characteristics Evaluation of Four new loquat genotypes grown in Egypt .
د / أحمد سعيد الصباغ
د / عمرو محمد هيكل
Journal of Animal physiology and Animal Nutrition
Effect of bee pollen levels on productive , reproductive and blood traits of NZW rabbits.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
أ.د / عبد الرازق السعيد تاج الدين
African Journal of Microbiology Research
Evaluation of antibacterial properties and biochemical effects of monoterpenes on plant pathogenic bacteria
د / منى عبد النبى عبد الرسول
د / جيهان إبراهيم مرعى
Journal of Animal physiology and Animal nuttition
Capability of different non - nutritive feed additives on improving productive and physiological traits of broiler chicks fed diets with or without aflatoxin during the first 3 weeks of life.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبدالحميد
أ.د / هانى فوزى اللقانى (الطبالبيطرى)
Lucrari Stintifice
Effect of Cobalt Suuplementation on Gas production measurements , Estimated Energy values and Microbial Protein , in Vitro.
د / أحمد متولى إسماعيل
African journal of Biotechnology.
In vitro propagation and organogenesis of Lilium Prato
د / أميرة عثمان
د / إيمان سويدان
Italian Journal of Animal Science.
Effectof phytase with or without multienzyme supplementation on performanceand nutrient digestibility of young broiler chicks fed mash or crumblediets.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
د / وليد الطحاوى
د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد
د / صابر شحاته
Journal of Horticultural Science &Ornamental Plants.
Effect of nitrogen and Diphenylamine on Gladiolus hybrida cv . Sancerre Production.
د / إيمان سويدان
د / أميرة عثمان
World Journal Of Agricultural Sciences.
Performance of Anna Apple cultivar Grown on two different rootstocks in response to Hydrogen cyanamide winter spraying.
د / أحمد سعيد الصباغ
Carbohydrate Polymers.
Characterization and antimicrobial activity of water-soluble N-(4-Carboxybutyroyl) chitosans against some plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
د / إنتــــــصار ربيع
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology.
Comparative antifungal activities and biochemical effects of monoterpenes on plant pathogenic fungi.
د / جيـــــهان مرعى
د / منى عبـــــد الرسول
American -Eurasian J.Agric.& Environ.Sci.
Phytohormonal Changes in Fruits of "Zaghloul"Date Palm in relation to Metaxenic influences of used pollinators.
أ.د / كريـــــــم فرج
د / أحمد الصبـــاغ
Journal of Horticultural Science&Ornamental plants.
Effect of pre- and post-Harvest Calcium and Magnesium compounds and their combination treatments on "Anna" Apple fruit quality and shelf life.
أ.د / كريـــــــــم فرج
د / نيفين نبيــــــه
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science.
Comoarison of caecal and faeces fermentation characteristics of ostrich by in vitro gas ptoduction technique.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
Journal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.
Effect of ascorbic acid or increasing metabolizable energy level with or without supplementation of some essential amino acids on productive and physiological traits of slow-growing chicks exposed to chronic heat stress.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
أ.د / عبد الرازق السعيد تاج الدين
The detoxication of nitrate by two antioxidants or a probiotic ,and the effects on blood and seminal plasma profiles and reproductive function of New Zealand White rabbit bucks.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد
د / أحمد متولى إسماعيل
د / أسماء النجار
Effect of dietary amounts of inorganic and organic zinc on productive and physiological traits of White Pekin ducks.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد
Journal of Animal physiology and Animal Nutrition.
Effect of different levels of bee pollen on performance and blood profile of New Zealand White bucks and growth performance of their offspring during summer and winter months.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
British Poultry Sciences.
Effect of different dietary concentrations of inorganic and organic copper on growth performance and Lipid metabolism of White Pekin male ducks.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد
Trop Anim Health Prod.
Productive and reproductive performance and egg quality of laying hens fed diets containing different levels of date pits with enzyme supplementations.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
British Poultry Science.
Impacts of dried whole eggs on productive performance , quality of fresh and stored egss , reproductive organs and Lipid metabolism of laying hens.
أ.د / يوسف عبدالوهاب عطية
Acta Bot. Croat.
Population structure of woody plants in the arid cloud forests of Dhofar , southern Oman.
د / محمد أحمد الشيخ
20 - 50 % |
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.
Growth performance , carcass quality , biochemical and haematological traits and immune response of growing rabbits as affected by different growth promoters.
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
د / وليد الطحاوى
Asian Journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research.
The Ameliorating effects of green tea extract against cyromazine and chlorpyrifos induced liver toxicity in male rats.
د / منى عبد الرسول
American - Eurasian J.Agric & Environ,Sci
Fruit characteristics of "Zaghloul" date palm in relation to metaxenic influences of used pollinator.
أ.د / كريم فرج
أ.د / أحمد سعيد الصباغ
Journal of American Science.
Measuring the Morphological characters of honey Bee(Apis Mellifera L .) using A simple semi - Automatic technique.
أ.د / محمد عبد القادر
أ.د / خليـــــــــــل دراز
أ / حساـــــم أبو شعره
د / خالــــــــد صــلااح
20 - 50 % |
International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
Effect of grape variety on the evolution of sugars , hydroxymethylfurfural , polyphenols and antioxidant activity during grape must cooking.
أ / أحمـــــــد هلال
Advance Journal of food Science and technology.
Production of Functional Kariesh cheese by MIcroencapsulation of Bifidobacterium adolescentis ATCC 15704.
د / عبير محمد عبد الحميد
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.
Effect of bunches spraying with some macro and micro-nutrients fruit retention and physical characteristics of "Deglet Nour " date palm cultivar during Kimiri stage.
د / أحمد سعيد الصباغ
Journal of Applied Sciences Research.
Mitigating the incidence of preharvest rind pitting of "Nova" tangerines by early application of GA3 , the cytokinin derivative , CPPU , and potassium.
أ.د / كريم فرج
د / نيفين محمد
Stability of honey bee Morphological characters within open population.
د / حسام أبو شعرة
ا.د / خليل دراز
أ.د / محمد عبد القادر
د / خالد صلاح
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.
Enhancing coloration and quality of " Crimson" seedless grape berries cultivare by preharvest applications of natural phenolic compounds.
أ.د / كريم فرج
د / عمرو هيكل
د / نيفين محمد
د / ياسمين خزيمة
Environmental & Analytical Toxicology
Cyromazine and chlorpyrifos induced renal toxicity in rats : the Ameliorating effects of green tea extract.
د / جيهان مرعى
د / منى عبد الرسول
2012 |
6 |
Journal of Life Sciences. |
Isolation and Identification of cardenolide compounds of Gomphocarpus sinaicus and their fungicidal activity against soil Borne and post harvest fungi. |
أ.د / مصطفى عبد اللطيف عباسى
د / جيهـــان مرعى
69 |
5 - 20 % |
2012 |
63 |
Journal of Experimental Botany . |
The Jasmonate Pathway mediates salt tolerance in grapevines. |
د / أحمد عبد الكريم إسماعيل |
70 |
2013 |
8 |
Mun . Ent . Zool. |
Revision of genus brachycaudus and new record species added to aphid fauna of Egypt ( Hemiptera : Sternorrhyncha : Aphididae ). |
أ.د / خليـــــــــل دراز
د / رضــــا طبيخة
71 |
2012 |
7(7) |
Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology. |
Haemato - biochemical effects of formulated and technical cypermethrin and deltamethrin insecticides in male rats. |
أ.د / مصطفى عبد اللطيف عباسى |
72 |
2013 |
8 |
Mun . Ent .Zool. |
Genetic fingerprints and phylogenetic relationships of eighteen aphid species from Egypt ( Hemiptera : Sternorrhyncha : Aphididae). |
أ.د / خليـــــل دراز
د / رضـــــا طبيخة
73 |
2012 |
7(7) |
Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology. |
Cytogenetic effects of technical and formulated tribenuron-methyl on rat bone-marrow cells. |
أ.د / ممدوح أنور مرزوق |
74 |
2012 |
6(4) |
Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology. |
Adverse haematological and biochemical effects of certain formulated insecticides in male rats. |
أ.د / مصطفى عبد اللطيف عباسى |
75 |
أعلى من 5 % |
2012 |
60(44) |
J . Agric . Food Chem. |
The type and concentration of milk increase the in vitro bioaccessibility of coffee chlorogenic acids. |
د / أحمد هــــــلال |
76 |
2012 |
6(7) |
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. |
Effect of some preharvest treatments on quality and ripening of "Canino" apricot fruits I . Applications at pit hardening. |
أ.د / كريــــــم فرج
د / عمــرو هيكل
د / سعــيد عطية
77 |
2010 |
11 |
Czech J.Anim. Sci. |
Effect of inorganic or organic selenium supplementation on productive performance , egg quality and some physiological traits of dual-purpose breeding hens. |
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
د / عبد الرازق السعيد تاج الدين
78 |
2011 |
75(1) |
Arch.Gefugelk. |
Effect of non-antibiotic additives as an alternative to flavomycin on productivity , meat quality and blood parameters in broilers. |
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية
د / على سعيد الشافعى
79 |
2013 |
57 |
International journal of biological macromolecules. |
synthesis and structure - ralationshipof N-(cinnamly) chitosan analogs as antimicrobial agents. |
د / إنتصـــــار ربيـــــع |
80 |
2013 |
7(20) |
African Journal of Microbiology Research. |
Preparation and antimicrobial activity of O-(benzoyl) chitosan derivatives against some plant pathogens. |
د / إنتصـــــــار ربيـــع |
81 |
أعلى من 50 % |
2013 |
48 |
Journal of Environmental Science and Health . |
Oxidative stress and biochemical perturbations induced by insecticides mixture in rat testes. |
د / هــــــــدى متولى محـــمد نصــــر |
82 |
أعلى من 50 % |
2013 |
53 |
Using DArT MarKers to Monitor Genetic Diversity throughout Selection : A Case Study in Nebraska,s Winter Wheat Breeding Nurseries. |
أ.د / محمد محمد سعــــد الله |
83 |
أعلى من 50 % |
2013 |
Accepted |
Protoplasma. |
Salt adaptation requires efficient fine-tuning of Jasmonate signalling. |
د / أحمد عبد الكريم محمد إسماعيل |
84 |
2014 |
28 |
Journal of trace Elements in Medicine and Biology |
Antioxidant effect of selenium on lipid peroxidation , hyperlipidemia and biochemical parameters in rats exposed to diazinon |
د / هــــــــدى نصـــــر |
85 |
2014 |
Accepted |
Asian Journal of Crop Science. |
Effect of Planting Density and Gibberellic Acid on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Solidago canadensis " Tara " in Egypt. |
د / أميرة عثمان
د / إيمان سويدان
86 |
2014 |
Accepted |
BMC Genetics. |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms for feed efficiency and performance in crossbred beef cattle. |
د / محمد قطب أبوإسماعيل |
87 |
2014 |
59 |
Veterinarni Medicina. |
The foraging behaviour of honey bees , Apis mellifera: a review |
د / حسام أبو شعرة |
88 |
2014 |
Accepted |
Journal of Food Science and Technology. |
Potential utilization of Citrullus Ianatus var . Colocynthoides waste as a novel source of pectin. |
د / محمــــــــــد قريش |
89 |
2014 |
2 |
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. |
Hatching rates and some characteristics of Yemeni and Carniolan honey bee eggs. |
د / حسام فرج أبو شعرة |
90 |
5 - 20 % |
2013 |
10 |
Animal. |
Effects of water restriction on growth performance, feed nutrient digestibility. carcass and meat traits of rabbits . |
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطية |
91 |
أعلى من 50 % |
2014 |
Accepted |
Italian Journal of Animal Science. |
Effects of group size on performance and egg quality of laying hens during 20 to 36 weeks of age. |
د / صابر شحاته عبد الونيس
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطيه
92 |
20 - 50 % |
2014 |
164 |
Livestock Science. |
Productive performance,biochemical and hematological traits of broiler chickens supplemented with propolis,bee pollen, and mannan oligosaccharides continuously or intermittently. |
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطيه
93 |
20 - 50 % |
Accepted |
Animal production Science. |
Effect of inulin and mannan -oligosaccharides compared with Zinc -bacitracin on growing performance, nutrient digestibility and hematological profiles of growing rabbits. |
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطيه
94 |
2014 |
164 |
Livestock Science. |
Productive performance, biochemical and hematological traits of broiler chickens supplemented with propolis,bee pollen , and mannan oligosaccharides continuously or intermittently. |
أ.د / عبد الحميد السيد عبد الحميد
أ.د / يوسف عبد الوهاب عطيه
د / مديحة إبراهيم
د أسماء النجار
95 |
2014 |
65 |
Hournal of Experimental Botany. |
Life and death under salt stress : same players , different timing. |
د / أحمد عبد الكريم محمد إسماعيل |
96 |
2014 |
111 |
Carbohydrate polymers. |
Antimicrobial and inhibitory enzyme activity of N-(benzyl) and quaternary N-(benzyl) chitosan derivatives on plant pathogens. |
د / إنتصار إبراهيم مجمود ربيع |
97 |