• White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Provide students with knowledge assets
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Provide oversight of Food Hygiene
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Counseling and veterinary diagnostic services
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Granting degrees (scientific Diploma - Master - Ph.D)
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Labor market supply local and regional veterinary doctors
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow It was created to serve the Beheira Governorate

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 Faculty Council


Headed by Prof. Dr. :Dean of the faculty and membership 

1- Prof. Dr.  Abd El-Gawad Salah El-Tahawy “ Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs”

2- Prof. Dr. Sherief Zakaria Kamel “ Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development”

3- Prof. Dr. Hazem Mohamed Shahien “ Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research”

4- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Yahia Nasr “ Professor and Head of the Department of Animal Medicine”

5- Prof. Dr. Ashraf Abd-Elmohsen El-Sharabi “ Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy and Embryology”

6-Prof. Dr. Esmail Esmail Abo-Ghonima “ head of physiological Department”

7- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aref El-Nasharty “head of tissues and cells Department”

9- Prof. Dr. Yaser Saeed Salem “Prof. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Department”

10- Prof. Dr. Sherif Zakaria Kamel “Work-based head of Animal Husbandry Department”

11- Prof. Dr. Mdiha Salah Ebrahim “Work-based head of Microbiology”

12- Dr. Nabil Mohamed Bakier “Work-based head of the Animal Medical Affairs article infectious diseases”

13- Dr.Abd-Elgawad Salah El-Tahawy “head of animal  wealth development”

14- Dr. Ahmed Galal “Executive Director of the Quality Assurance Unit

15- Prof. Dr. Mosa Mohamed Abd-Allah “ Department of Animal Health and Zoonoses”

 Dr. Hamada Abd- Elaziz El-Saied “Lecturer, Department of Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition”



Decisions of the Faculty Council



No. Date Decisions
1 18/5/2013
2 17/6/2013
3 20/8/2013
4 22/9/2013
5 21/10/2013
6 18/11/2013
7 16/12/2013
8 16/1/2014


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