Damanhour University Finishes in First Place in an Action Plan for People


with Disabilities in the USA




Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Abdel Hamid El Sayed Abdel Hamid - Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research of Damanhour University,

the Council of Deans got held to discuss the faculties' preparations for the new academic year.

Dr. Abdel Hamid thanked His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El Sisi for signing the International Convention on Human Rights

for Persons with Disabilities with the United Nations. Dr. Ahmed Saber Al-Muhs,

Deputy Director of the Service Center for Students with Disabilities at the university, gave a presentation on the center's executive plan.

He spoke about the participation of a delegation from the university headed by Prof. Dr. Abdel Hamid

and Prof. Dr. Ali El-Sayed - Executive Director of the Service Center for Students with Disabilities -

within 15 Egyptian universities at the University of Illinois in the USA. He also explained the center's vision,

which is to create a suitable educational environment for students with disabilities at the local and regional levels,

clarifying the center's objectives, which include two main axes:

1-An awareness-raising and educational axis that includes identifying how to properly deal with people with disabilities,

changing society’s view of them, and preparing the educational environment financially, psychologically, and technically in proportion to different disabilities.

2- A service axis that includes the provision of scientific material written in Braille or audio files of the scientific material

and the creation of a sports program for champions of students with disabilities at the university,

in addition to post-graduation services.


Last Update : 28/09/2022 05:17 PM