Damanhour University Implements a Comprehensive Convoy in Abu Homs


as a Part of the Presidential Initiative (A Decent Life)



Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar - Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research -

and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Abdel Hamid El Sayed Abdel Hamid - Vice President of Damanhour University for Graduate Studies and Research -

Damanhour University implemented a comprehensive developmental convoy,

in cooperation with Ain Shams University, to serve the citizens of Abu Homs Center in El Beheira Governorate.

The convoy provided many medical, veterinary, and environmental services, in addition to awareness and educational sessions.

The convoy included 11 distinguished medical specialties. The medical team of the convoy examined all patients,

conducted the necessary analyzes, and provided free medicines.

Prof. Dr. Abdel Hamid stressed the importance of the vital role played by the university in serving the Egyptian society and the citizens of El Beheira

Governorate. His Excellency also emphasized that this role is not limited to the educational and research services it provides

but goes beyond it to serve many citizens directly and indirectly.

Last Update : 25/02/2022 04:57 PM