Tasks and concerns
According to organizing universities' law No. 49/1972, Article 35, the council of postgraduate and researches is
concerned in
Firstly; issues of planning, coordinating, organizing and pursuing
Studying and preparing the public policy of postgraduate and researches of the University and coordinating the faculties
Drawing the appropriate policy to achieve the cooperation and coordination among the sections and their materials in the domain of postgraduate end researches
Preparing a general plan for scientific missions and vacations and foreign scholarships
Preparing a program aims to fill the shortage of teaching board members in the University in order to form integrate scientific team works
Making the policy of sending teaching board members in scientific missions
Making the plan of conferences and seminars in the University and participating them in the other universities
Criticizing the situation of postgraduate and researches in the regulation of the universities
Organizing accepting postgraduate students
Making the account system of research in the University
Making the after pension rewards system of postgraduate and researches
Discussing the reports of faculties and the recommendations of scientific conferences and the annual report of vice-president of the University for postgraduate and researches and also reviewing and evaluating postgraduate system
Supervising executing the postgraduate and researches plan
Enclosing and analyzing all the data statistics of teaching board members, assistant teachers, lecturers and rare sections in the University
Preparing the project of the scientific research balance in the university
Secondly; Executive issues
Administrating scientific research fund in the University
Receiving the scientific problems and redistributing them to the concerned faculties
Relieving students of higher studies from some curriculums or exams
Determining the exams' schedules of postgraduate in the faculties of the University
Approving the after pension rewards system of postgraduate and researches
Sending to foreign scholarships and approving the annual vacations
Sending to scientific missions, lectures and seminars
Permitting professors of Sabbatical
Grouping the scientific researches and encouraging publishing
Distributing the balance of scientific research according to the suggested programs
Thirdly; Sporadic issues
The issues coming from the University council
The issues determined by law