Ahmed Rashwan
Name: Ahmed Mohamed El Sayed Rashwan
Date of birth: 11 November 1984
Email: dr_rashwan84@yahoo.com, Rashwan@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp
1. Doctor Philosophy of Veterinary Medical Science (Anatomy & Embryology): 13-2-2017.
2. Visiting Researcher at Graduate School of medicine, Nagoya University in January.2014-2016.
3. Assistant Lecturer of Anatomy & Embryology: 4/12/2011 Fac.of Vet.Med. Dam Univ.
4. Demonstrator of Anatomy & Embryology: 18/4/2008Fac.of Vet.Med. Dam Univ.
1. Study of the gustatory epithelium in various mammals (Dog, sheep, rat, rabbit and mice).
2. Member of research team in project under the title of (Establishment of Hepatitis C Awareness Media Unit) visit our web site www. Hcv-egypt.net No (STDF-3428).
3. First author in oral session Japanese Society for Anatomist Meeting, which was held in kanazawa in Japan entitled ( localization of nerve fibers in mucosa and taste bud of the soft palate of mice), 11-12 Oct,2014).
4. Study the arterial and nerve supply of the tongue in various mammals.
5. Application of several histochemical technique, insitu hybridization and scanning electron microscopy.
6. Prove the validation of palatal neural induction hypothesis of taste buds which in contrast with the lingual nerves.
7. Organ culture of tongue and palate in mice.
1. Ahmed Rashwan, Ahmed S. Sayed-Ahmed and Ashraf Elsharaby (2011): Comparative Anatomical Studies on the terminal Branches of the Lingual Artery of the Adult Sheep and Dog. ALEX. J. Vet.,Sci., Vol.34,No. 1, August 2011 37.
2. Ahmed Rashwan, Hiroyuki Konishi, Ashraf Elsharaby and Hiroshi kiyama (2016): Ontogeny and innervation of taste buds in mouse palatal gustatory epithelium. Chemical Neuroanatomy, Vol.71, pp 26-40, 2016.